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In other threads of the forum you,Chinmoy and kumaresh oppose drinking. But all your smileys are with big glasses and big bottles. :angry:
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We don't drink and that's why we let our smileys do it for us!!!!
That is the way many things happen Nagalakshmi...What politicians say will not do...I think sajee and chinmoy are also showing that...
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There is a politician in every one of us to respect our politicians!!!
Very clever answers by Chinmoy. :) :)

Rajani,Your smiley is also too good. :) :)
I feel the trees will definately feel sad on the loss of the tree, if they are friends...

But even if they are enemies they will feel sad,, for whom to fight with....
How do we know there's a tree and that it falls down if there's no-one there to see it? And how do we know there's no-one there?
:) :) :) Another delightful topic by Kumaresh!! Leading to tree felling and bottle breaking!! :) :laugh: :)

I guess a naughty tree tripped the tree that fell and earned daggers thrown at it by the elder trees around them!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

The problem with Kumaresh is once he moves to the East he forgets to turn to the West!!!!!
That's right Chinmoy!! Hasn't he returned from his walk to the East?? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

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