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because they are using different types of food.
In home it will be a limit :cheer: :cheer:

Chant Hare krishna and be happy!!
Children would be fond of eating these fast foods due to the presentation of food also.. I think it is better for the mother's to make the food attractive to make the kids tend to eat home food.

Thanks 'n' Regards,
Yes Deepti, making the food tastier and appear it more attractive will do help.

Someone mentioned that it is the main dish in some countries, it is true that pizza is a staple food of Italians, but the way they make it traditionally is very different than what we get in the Pizza joints here. Also the climatic conditions in Italy helps them digest it well whereas its not suitable for our conditions. They use pure olive oil and lots of veggies. That is the basic difference in their pizzas and ours.

Also, children tend to emulate their parents mostly. If the parents eat all the right foods and do not fuss much over the food, children quickly follow suit and eat properly.

It is the parents who influence eating habits, if they themselves eat more of junk food and expect children to eat home-made food, it would not be fair.

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

correct deepti. But in some home mother also going to job.
And only on holidays she can prepare that what children are asking. :) :) :)

Chant Hare krishna and be happy!!
pizza's outside are more tasty than prepared at home and outside ,kids get lot of simply love junk food...
As neetu said, Children love to taste variety of food. It is also the mother's responsibilty to take effort to prepare food to children which they like the most.
I think children should be trained to eat what his parents eat.The foods seen in advertisement and other should not be encouraged at all.

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it should n0t be that the kids should eat what their parents eat...but they be taught to eat healthy and home made food ...
Junk food is unhealthy for both kids and elders. so, parents should set an example for children. :)
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