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My tip of the day :

Many people eat Mushrooms. Some Mushrooms are poisonous. How to identify poisonous mushrooms? Boil mushrooms with a small silver coin for about 10 mins. If silver coin turns blue, then that mushroom is poisonous.
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Hello Chetana..
Its a very innovative post you have created..
I will surely come up with the tip If I will know. This post is going to help everybody...

Guys please reply if you know any useful tip.

Aastha Gupta
Tip of the Day: The hour and the minute hand meet each other after every 65(5/11) minutes after being together at 12:00.
Hi Sajeetharan -what a beautiful tip!

Eat a Tulsi leaf to get rid of a sore throat.
You have started a good thread chetana.

"While taking oil bath,add 1 or red chillies in the oil and heat it slightly before applying on the hair."
Meean wrote:
[quote]You have started a good thread chetana.

"While taking oil bath,add 1 or red chillies in the oil and heat it slightly before applying on the hair."[/quote]

Well Meean :blink: red chillies??? it will burn :dry:
What is this tip for?

Very nice post indeed...

I will post tips if i come to know anything..
Sometimes oil bath will affect people if taken in cold climate or if they took oil bath after long time. By putting red chillies and heating oil will avoid the side effects. You should not heat oil too much so that red chillies become black. Slight heat is ok.My grandma used to do like this.So i also follow this.
Thanks Meean for the information...I will try in winter.. :cheer:
While preparing gravys,if you find that it is too watery,take 2 tsp of rice flour and mix it with water to make a paste and put this in the gravy.It will become thick.
Tip of the Day: Product of any two numbers = Product of their HCF and LCM.
Chetana.. you joined boddunan days before.. and you have become active here.. very good.. keep it up..

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