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Positive thing of boddunan is

It has some super fast members
It has some fast members
It has some spinner members
Its has some pinch hitter members.

Negatives are

It have some flop members.

Santosh Kumar Singh


There are many views of member here... I think it would look better if the forum creator would send PM to the moderator and ask him to look over this thread....

Thanks 'n' Regards,
I think this time moderators are busy in work burden that is the reason his response did not come till now.

Santosh Kumar Singh


Yes. They are busy. May be we require some forum moderator.

Already soubhagya Das is moderator for Daily Dose. If he continues for the entire forum, then it is fine. What is your opinion guys ??

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YES --- Hope all the reviews are being delayed in the recent times....
This might be due to lot of burden for the moderators...

Thanks 'n' Regards,
I think there is not much more burden may be some other reason like absence of them..

Santosh Kumar Singh


I think it's because of shortage of manpower for the time being which ,I am sure, would be overcome in the coming days.
I think Boddunan should expand its core team to overcome this situation! The active members here in Boddunan are increasing every day... This implies the burden on the core team of editors and moderators...

Thanks 'n' Regards,
Active member increasing but I do not know why some become de active some times like this time Sunny singh is not participating more here.

Santosh Kumar Singh


It is not always possible for members to remain active because of his or her preoccupation with more urgent matters.
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