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Yes sure ----

The image is a combination of the letters "Deepti", and letter "R" is not used intentionally.....

Here is a image representing all the letter used in the image!!!!

Thanks 'n' Regards,
Have a look at this too......

Here is an video representation of the image....


Thanks 'n' Regards,
Deepti very creative work.
Boddunan should definetely award you for such a creation...Like creative images award...
Deepti very creative work. :) :) :)

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Hi Deepti..

Your image is so much creative. I appreciate you!!

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Hi Deepti

Why your Choose different color border in image? its Refer any thing?

With Regards
Thanks friends... Thanks for your compliments!!!

@Vignesh... I didn't get your point... Will you be more specific.. please...
If you meant the double border(outline), this does'nt have any significance.


Thanks 'n' Regards,
I have something to say.But no time to read all the replies here right now.So if thread is active and am active I will do

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???? I did not understand your point Abid.....

Thanks 'n' Regards,
Good one Deepti !!!
I remember when you joined boddunan, you started putting interesting games. Now it is the turn of videos. Common !!! Rock !!! :)
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