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Thanks a lot Gulshan..

Software Engineers never die...They just go offline.
But Gulshan instead of we searching for it on daily basis let the moderators provide a list of the same which they think are appropriate.

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Jayen- It is good if moderators provide us good key words list. But we may also make some efforts.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Gulshan can you suggest one good and reliable site for this.

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Articles and forums based on key words will be like writing story for the need of actor.I don't think it a good way.

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Hello Dear Fellow members and Moderator,

Is it right to comment a fellow member's idea as "foolishness", what is the opinion of the site administrators and moderators.

Guru S Shivaa
Guru thanks for your concern but Soubhagya was refering to a post which I edited latter on now I think he just has to edit his post.

Its ok.

Thank you again.

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Can a system be installed by moderators wherein one point for every 5 or 10 points made by the referral can be awared to the member.

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It has been observed that members visit the site only at the end of the month for reaching the minimum threshold of 2000 points for becoming eligible for revenue share.

Instead revenue sharing scheme should be deviced in such a manner that continous member participation is assured.

For E.g. reducind the frequency of revenue sharing from one month to 15 days. That is declare revenue share every 15 days. so that more participation will come from all the members.

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I think boddunan revenue will increase if we participate more on forum and other section.

Santosh Kumar Singh


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