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Yes thats true friends...

There is a lot of improvement in the forums and is getting more finer day by day...
Most of the replies in the forums are also very genuine.
Hope more topics relating to the daily issues and recent hazards come here in Boddunan.

Thanks 'n' Regards,
I think boddunan get success in getting active members for forum. And numbers of active members have increased.

Santosh Kumar Singh



You have rightly highlighted the role played by the new members and contribution of some of them has been quite significant and there lies our hope for future progress.
Yes I am observing healthy discussion after revision in points for replies.

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I think there has been satisfactory progress in this regard.
yaa new posts are coming very fast. What I observe is no active participation in the forums. Topics are not discussed deeply.
Only participation can help in taking the issues to deeper levels.
@Shalu you are right! but there is still the fact that more and more sensitive issues and current news getting discussed here , even more so than only games!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

There is certainly improvement regarding the discussion of the various topics in comparison to the past. Everyday we are getting new topics to discuss.
But still there is plenty of room to improve the current status. I feel more participation is required. Only certain members are participating in all the discussions. Other should come forward and present there views,whatever it is.

Software Engineers never die...They just go offline.
I think scope for improvement is always there.We must raise topical issues as well as issues which have eternal relevance.
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