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Here goes my input,friends!
As my own language may be anaemic I have chosen to borrow What Late Nani Palkhival one of India's foremost thinkers and legal eagles said in one of works.
"The Sanskrit word 'dharma' can not be easily translated into English.It has within it elements from different concepts of law,righteousness,duty,and basic morality. India had an unrivalled tradition of religious freedom and tolerance.The tradition was born of the consciousness that truth can never be the monopoly of one sect or creed. The words of the Rig Veda are world famous: "let noble thoughts come to us from every side."

The rishis realized that each man has to work out his own salvation and everyone's spiritual experience is vital to the attainment of his ultimate state of the soul's evolution.A blind obedience to authority is the surest prescription for spiritual paralysis.Mere acquiescence,even in the dictates of the sruti,is not enough.There is nothing like salvation on the cheap.There is no spiritual enrichment which money can buy.There are no fixed formulae,no rule of thumb,no prescriptions as in a pharmacopoeia.The path of the Spirit is narrow and there are yawning abysses on either side"

I don't think any elaboration on my part is necessary and I conclude by affirming my faith in each and every word he recorded in the above-mentioned paras.Thanks!
Santosh- You are correct. The post should be short otherwise this is like an article. I responded to MC. The post became a bit lengthy. The topic is controversial and needs deep study. I am happy to share views with MC and others.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Thank you abid. You have admitted that the question- who created God is unanswerable. I think that if God is self created, why this universe may not be self created. There are different thoughts on such matters and everybody believes according to his religion/ sect.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

One thing should be created self first.That was God.Then only the other creations occur.It is due to our very little intelligence that we are not able to think beyond it.

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God is called Ajanma.. means never born.. He is eternal., ever existing.. He is beyond Time but we are bound to time. So we always think in terms of time.. In spiritual world there is no Time dimension as we have in material world.

Software Engineers never die...They just go offline.
Abid. There are various versions. according to Hindu, there are Advatvaaad, Dwatvaad and Tretvaad. There are three identities- soul, nature and God. Advaitwvad means that God, soul and nature are same aund ultimately merge. Dwaitvad believes that soul and God both are seperate and were never created. The Tretvaad believes that soul, God and nature- all three always existed independently and hence there is no creation. As MC pointed out that there are some philosophers who are atheist like Charvaak. Moreover, Budhism is in its pure form an atheist religion.
Thus, if you are not interested in religious and philosophical matter or it is not possible to think independently, there is no harm in holding your traditional views according to your family traditions. However, everyone is expected to be a good citizen and fair to all in all dealings.


G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

You have made a very good point.It is indeed beyond the dimension called Time.The point of samadhi where the high spiritual knowledge is born is said to be the point where time ceases.

You are right.There are different versions.Each has its own importance and each debates with one another.The Adi Sankaracharya Advaita Vedanta stands highest because he conquered everything else in debate.
This is why there is no point in believing.It is a quest.I won't say, 'just like science'..But it is science.
First of all, Congrats to gulshan for starting such a nice topic for

discussion.Keep it up.

I am firm believer in HINDU Religion as because it is th oldest
religion.This religion never involved in any religious war till now.Take any other Religion (Islam,Christianity etc.) all are involved in bloody wars for only religious purpose.
Yes, I know that there are some aspects
of HINDU religion are not considered good in todays' context.Regarding IDOLS,they are good as well as bad too.Good in way that it help you to create an image of almighty.Bad in a way it has invited a lot of disrespect from the people itself.You can find any idol lying in nearby road or some disrespectful place.This is one of the point which make you think out idol worship. :(
Mean- You have nicely explained that God does not necessarily hepl good and punish the poor. In fact, the universe functions on set principles of physics and chemistry and has nothing to do with our existence or not. Thus according to gravitaion law, a man slipping from roof will fall to the ground and get injury irrespective of whether he is good or bad. Rewcently, we witnessed many people dying in crowded places by suffoccation of other mishappening even when they went to temples for worship. The devotees in Kumb mela are not saved by God, evenn though they pray to him.
Moreover, if there is some conscious poer, that will change rules from time to time. But we see that rules of nature do not change. This shows that there is no 'supreme power' behind nature law.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Bhanu- you have opposed idol worship for your own reasons. Some believe only in idols. I rtemeber that once Lord Krishna send Udhav to Gopis to teach them to worship the 'Nirgun' (invisible god). The gopis ridiculed him saying- 'Nirgun (the shapeless God) lives in which country. Udhav could not convince Gopis who were mad afte Lord Krishna.

Everyone has his own beliefs. All cannot be rational. all we need is to resist the harmful religious practices and misdeeds of the corrupt religuious saints and swamis.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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