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MC wrote
[quote]A karma yogi need not believe in God, but he is much greater person than who chant the name of god thousand times without doing anything real and good.[/quote]

Dear MC..
Can you tell me the sloka of Gita , where it is mentioned..

Since you are referring Gita so I am asking..

Software Engineers never die...They just go offline.
This words are not a direct translation of a sloka, but my words of understanding.I will explain it.
In Gita, the central idea is about karma yoga, where Krishna ask Arjuna to do his karma to fight.In Gita there are slokas where it is said that karma yoga is the greatest path.I hope you agree with me.
Now about Karma yoga i quote the words of Swami Vivekananda.

""Karma-Yoga is a system of ethics and religion intended to attain freedom through unselfishness and by good works.The karma-yogi need not believe in any doctrine whatever.He may not believe even in God.""

Thus i understand that karma-yogi is a much greater person.So it is for everyone.Even for people without religion.
I Say YES YES YES. :) :) :) :)

Science has every can explain everything.ALL it need time towards any problem and its explanation.

:) :) :) :)
Kalyani- You have just mentioned that there must be some supreme Powere behind nature and universe etc. But how you reply who is beyond supreme power. Why not accept that nature itself is supreme. according to Hindu Philosophy, soul is neither born nor will die. So there is no creater of soul. same can be said of nature. In fact, the Tretavad theory of Hinduism states that God, soul and nature always existed and are not born. Thus where is the creator.
In fact, the concepts of God, soul, devil,satan etc are hypothetical. People generally believe what is traditionally told to them according to community of birth. We cannot say wheteh Hindu, christian or Muslim theory is correct. Even Hindus have too many theories. we donot know who is correct.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Thanks Kalyani.... Good work.

Can science explain what happens in life after death??

We have many dreams.. and we correlate them..can science explain those dreams???

There are many unanswered questions in the world. These are just two..

Thanks 'n' Regards,
No it is not possible and this has proved every time a natural calamity arises for which there are no scientific reasons.

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Science has its own limitations .. It can't explain everything.
Now scientist has proved the existence of soul.

Software Engineers never die...They just go offline.
Abid- There are different beliefs based on religion about universe. Here the question is whether Science can explain everything. Undoubtedly, the universe is very vast and it is not possible to explain everything with certainty. Pursuit of knowledge is a continuous process. science continues to discover secrets of universe and new facts are revealed continuously- sometimes substituting the old research.
As regards religion, the beliefs are without proper research and people blindly believe in the thoughts peculiar to the religious community to which they belong.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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