Do you think science can explain everything around you?.
According to religion and philosophy , there is an intellect behind this universe, which can be called God.Now this cannot be explained by physics.But do you think, science can get an ultimate answer without considering this.Science go from one discovery to another, but can they end somewhere and say this is the last of it??.Can it end without the help of something beyond physics??
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No... never..

Some famous person said a humor that.. Science does not solve a problem without creating ten more...

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May be. This is unanswered question. Depends upon the way one thinks.

Thanks 'n' Regards,
God and goddess power is our deep belief. Science is practical and proved. belief cannot be show as a material foam. In case of science can be stand for practical.
There are many invisible and unexplained theories and proves that science have failed to explain.

Thanks 'n' Regards,
Knowledge is ocean and Science need to search all ocean to explain all things. I think if i take example Science can not give life to dead body.

Santosh Kumar Singh


First we need to define science. Science is systematized body of knowledge. Science begins with curiosity. The law of gravitation and Archimedes theory were discovered out of curiosity. Science depends on experimentation and theory needs be proved by subsequent observations.

Religion and philosophy depend more on reasoning than experimentation. Religion has been segregated into rigid beliefs based on communities. A Hindu or a Muslim are born with given set of beliefs. On the other hand, no body is born as a scientist with preset beliefs or notions.

The universe is endless and the human means are limited. so, it is not probable that there can ever be last word in Science. As religion and philosophy also (philosophy is linked with religions) depend on uncorroborated logic and rigidity, there can always be last word. Also, those who do not accept as last word or gospel truth the beliefs of sacred books or prophets, may be declared atheists, blasphemous and satanic. Religion is closed. Science is always open to new thoughts and experiments.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Although it has not been possible for science to offer explanations for all the wordly phenomena,it has been the goal of science to seek truth through enquiry and experimentation.And it has been observed where real and pure science has failed voodoo science has taken over!!As far as religion is concerned I do not see any contradiction with science both of which are in pursuit of seeking truth.
Santosh- Science only discovers the nature and the scientific inventions make use of the law of nature discovered through science. Science does not create any thing new out of thin air. This is a feat known to magicians.

In fact, it is scientifically proved that matter which may be in form of solid, liquid or gas, is never destroyed but only is transformed. Scientific inventions just make use of transformation of matter and law of nature. There is no question of giving birth or making a dead body alive.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant


From your words I understand that you have seen only the surface of the ocean of spiritual knowledge.Your idea about religion is actually based on the concepts in Semitic religion.There are much deeper things in religion and I shall attempt to introduce it to you.I am a Hindu and so I can talk only about my religion.But I have found similar idea in all other religion.

1.You said that religion is based on belief.

This is a very wrong concept.The idea of belief comes from the idea of personal God.To believe a personal God and follow the book is kindergarten study in Hinduism.The high levels in Hinduism is not about struggles and attempts to believe a certain doctrine or dogma, but in realizing-not in believing but in being and becoming.And this is very much a scientific process, that it constitutes observation, understanding, debates and direct proof by experience.The lab here is the inner world of thoughts,mind and beyond and to name one tool is introspection.

2.[quote]As religion and philosophy also (philosophy is linked with religions) depend on uncorroborated logic and rigidity, there can always be last word. Also, those who do not accept as last word or gospel truth the beliefs of sacred books or prophets, may be declared atheists, blasphemous and satanic. Religion is closed. Science is always open to new thoughts and experiments

Religion is very much open and all the discoveries of spiritual laws proclaimed in Vedas are based on the revelations and understandings, studies and observation just like it is with science.It is very much a scientific process.All these discoveries are made by rishis, whom I will very well call scientist who discovers the laws of spiritual world.Now who told that atheism has no place in Hinduism.Rishi Carvaka is the one of the most ancient person who uphold the ideas of atheism and materialistic world,and he is very well respected as a great saint in the Hinduism.

At this point you may very well ask me.Is there any base for what you are taking.These are ancient people.What did they discovered so big.How can you talk about modern science at that time.

Now I can give you one proof.There was a recent discovery in CERN.the European Organization for nuclear research(the same guys working with Hadron collider).They found that the movements of some subatomic particle are very much similar to the dance of nataraja.(The cosmic dance of shiva).Now this dance is very ancient.So can you get glimpse of depth I am taking.The Indian gov even presented them a nataraja idol for this.Just do a Google search for all the details.or here is one article

So i believe you are an atheist and I have great respect for you.Because from what I know,you uphold he greatest ideas of religion, namely karma yoga(the central idea in geeta).A karma yogi need not believe in God, but he is much greater person than who chant the name of god thousand times without doing anything real and good.
MC- Thank you very much for giving so much attention to my remarks and giving your valuable thoughts on religion. I do not know much about religion. But, I only wish to stress that the study of Science is not compartmentalized like religion. We do not form groups on basis of scientific theories and beliefs. There are so many groups formed on religion- namely Hindu, Muslim, christian. A Hindu is supposed to believe in Hindu scriptures as a christian is supposed to believe in everything that Bible says. This is blind faith and social division based on religion. Science does not create such division.
In this context I am reminded of these line in 'Madhushala' by Harivansh Rai Bachan- Mandir Masjid vair badhate prem badhati meri madhushala- (Temple and Moscque divide whereas the wine bar unites people."

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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