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Thats very good of you Kalyani... Really I donno about him..

I read articles in Boddunan with a hope to learn at least one new thing. This is really informative. You can try this as an article. About this person, traditions and celebrations of Marathi people....

All the best.

Thanks 'n' Regards,

I have maintained my firm opposition to any such skewed perception of religion.True religion transcends all division and narrowness.


You have once again given a masterly treatment of the subject in very lucid terms.I would like to mention the great spiritual master Sri Ramakrishna in this context.Before Swami Vivekananda came into contact with he was a non-believer.He was a profoundly learned person and his studies and education led him to question the very existence of God. Shri Ramakrishna, being a person with no formal education, completely overwhelmed him spiritually to compel him to accept as his Guru. With his humble rural background and little formal education whatever he said and taught are subject matters of doctoral research in many foreign universities.Swami Vivekananda,his worthy disciple gave a new interpretation of Vedanta to conquer the world spiritually.

My focus here is the society.In the society the concept of “true religion” is theoretical idea.If you take the major world issues today majority of them are based on religion.The organized religion not only creates division but also bigot and fanatics you where talking last time.They not only creates division, but destroys the other.Another division by religion is caste system.I don’t think i should do any explanation about the division it makes in society!.

Religion in society or in hands of the masses has its degradation.Religion has made people narrow minded.The term ‘our people’ can be heard everywhere in society.This is what happens in society with religion.But the essence of religion is very different.Those who know the real purpose and essence of religion uphold the idea of universal acceptance and tolerance.They practice true religion, but unfortunately there are very few individuals like that.
Science can make human body, can fill blood in body can do all other activities in body but can not give life to body.

Santosh Kumar Singh


@ Deepti & kalyani,

To know more about Pandharpur Wari please visit:

Thank you.
MC asked the question- why I do not believe in God. I think belief in God is not central to this thread nor I have mentioned anything about this. What I state that belief in religion is based on one's birth in a particular religion and so his religious ideas are formed. MC says that he is a Hindu. I am also a Hindu. So, by accident of birth, we are supposed to believe in Gita, Upnishads and epics like Ramayana and mahabharata. Same may be said about Muslims or Christians.
The scientific study is not related to birth in a particular community and this is free from bias. This I stressed. Again the question was whether Science can explain everything. Knowledge is infinite and it is unlikely that Science may explain everything. Pursuit of knowledge is continuous. Once Einstein said that he was like a child picking pebbles at the sea shore of knowledge. Scientific studies depend on observation and experimentation. When a new research negates previous findings, modification is necessary.
Religion and its beliefs are compartmentalized in different sects and groups and one consciously or unconsciously believes in the religious beliefs of his birth.
Although I said nothing about my personal belief in God, MC is correct. I am a non believer. So far, i have not seen, heard, smelt or touched God and I have no evidence of existence of God. Hence, I do not believe.
Deepti says that belief in God is personal belief. Although this is personal, I accept that we are all friends on this site and can unhesitatingly ask anything from anybody. I accept MC's right to ask me anything. As this is a separate matter, I shall answer this in a new thread.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Ok.So this thread will continue with the question, can science explain everything?

I think that famous statement was made by Sir Isaac Newton not Einstein.
Evidence to all may not be possible especially in the case of God's existance.But you think about this universe.Was it created by its own?Was your shape came like this according to your plan?No.There is some power behind it.It is the God.

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@Deepti, thanks I will write a detailed article on him!

@MC, that's a nice quotation from J. Robert Oppenheimer. Around the time when he was faced with the moral dilemma of having built the destrutive bombs that would destroy Hiroshima and Nagasaki, it is probable that he would have turned to Bhagwad Gita to find answers to his doubts.

@Gulshan you say Although I said nothing about my personal belief in God, MC is correct. I am a non believer. So far, i have not seen, heard, smelt or touched God and I have no evidence of existence of God..

With due respect to what you are and what you believe in, isn't it equally true that you DO have faith in yourself, the person that you have grown up to be. Also the beliefs of people around you, your parents who raised you. Their beliefs have played a definitive role here. As to the existence of God, even without giving Him a definitive form, you can still find his presence in the nature, the sun, the stars, moon, seas, oceans, flowers, trees, birds, butterflies, even tiny insects. You may choose to say that all started with Big Bang Theory or whatever else! but who decided that it all happen? There IS and WILL ALWAYS BE a supreme power above all. Some of us may choose to call that power as God while some may not!

Again these are my views!!

@Sourabh, thanks for the link!

@Santosh, you say that science cannot give life to body, but that is in the science that we know as of today. Our very highly educated ancestors had mastered even that! The knowledge that they had gained, we chose to throw that all away and turned to education system belonging to foreigners!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

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