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Yes guys, you are right. Best thread of forum needs to be awarded.

Thanks 'n' Regards,
I think most replied post should be awarded in a month or week. after award post should be blocked.

Santosh Kumar Singh


Didn't get u Santosh!

I think its good if "Leader Board" and "Forum Supporter" award are both given.

Thanks 'n' Regards,
Yes deepti you are right both award should exist to encourage members more . but Maveric sir told that some new awards come soon.

Santosh Kumar Singh


Hmm.... waiting to see what are those awards.....

Its kept as a suspense...

Thanks 'n' Regards,
Maverick wrote:

As I announced earlier, we will be coming up with better award. May be in a day or two I will announce it.[/quote]

It is a great news.Expect it soon.

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