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If Netaji's daughter accepts that her father died in the air crash that itself should be a ground for closure. Rest is all wild speculation for scoring points against Nehru and Congress. Courts accept circumstantial evidence and award punishments. Trouble is many want that till their viewpoint is not proved they will go on keeping the issue alive.. Netaji's daughter stated that saying that Gumnami Baba was Netaji is an insult to him as would he have chosen to spend his time smoking away and not continue serving India for whose freedom he fought so hard. The only interest is why files were not declassifeid earlier. Perhaps more disclosures may throw some light on this aspect.

The very fact that the previous government never bothered to disclose any information about Netaji for all these years , shows that they felt the need to hide , for reasons best known to them ! I guess it is now too late to go for any fact finding other than be satisfied with  what is already available 

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Previous governments were also responsible governments duly elected by the people as is the present govt. There are many stories floating in the web and before that also about powerful, popular and strong leaders of the past. They are all bunkum, but still some oin power believe them and are trying to dig. Let us see otherwise  "khoda pahad nikli choohiya


A DNA test should be done on the ashes in the renuka temple in Japan.. Unfortunately the Bose family in India may not allow it as it will bring the truth out. The ashes are of Bose and they should be brought back to India and duly installed in the Red Fort

That's good suggestion indeed. Truth is that all the documents are already destroyed during the Congress regime It's not the family of Bose that's fearing the truth. It's the congress that's fearing the emergence of truth. Yes. Efforts are on to bring back the ashes and other documents to India by the Government.


A Bose family member stated that his consultations with a leading expert has indicated that DNA of ashes is not possible. Also if pieces of bones are available their DNA also may not be accurate as due to very high temperatures during cremation the DNA molecules undergo changes. It is now agreed by BJP members also that Netaji died in the air crash in August 1945. The declassification has not thrown any new light so far. The letter claimed to be written by Nehru calling Netaji a war criminal is accepted as a fraud even by members and supporters of Bose family also, during  an interview with Karan Thapar. But Nehru baiters and Congress haters will not allow the closure so that they can go on spreading falsehoods to defame both.Truth will never satisfy them. Already one member of Bose family has joined BJP yesterday and can look forward to a Padma Award next year.

According to latest news on Netaji, his daughter Anita Bose wants a DNA test to be conducted.

Dr. Anita Bose Pfaff Netaji;s daughter wants a DNA test to be conducted on the ashes kept in Japanese temple. However Dr, Anita believes that  the 1945 air crash in Taipei was the most likely cause of his death.

 But , Manoj, Testing the ashes was suggested by Shri  M.G Singh, our own member earlier.


Now the whole people of our country is waiting to know about the real reason of Netaji's disappearance. The entire country lost their patience because they want to know immediately how Nethaj died and in what circumstances. 

The issue about Netaji's death has been almost solved. Now, after conducting DNA on Netaji's ashes, all the mysteries will come to an end. Let's wait.


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