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Very few political leaders are in our country who committed their life for the people and the country. Most of them are not sincere. If they do something for the people, it is for the purpose of getting votes from them. They want power and they have no commitments towards the people. If one political party get a weapon to attack another political party, it would use that weapon to attack the other party as maximum as possible. This is the Psychology behind the Congress vice-president Rahul Gandhi's sudden visit to Hyderabad to meet the mother of delit student Rohith Vemula. 

Why is it being conveniently forgotten that a Central BJP minister was exerting pressure to get certain students punished for having a tiff with ABVP students in Hyderabad University. The HRD ministry was following up repeatedly in the matter and the VC finally succumbed and threw the students out of college, library, hostel etc.  and they were also boycotted by other students. It does not matter if he was a Dalit or not. He was a human being. Where does secularism, pseudosecularism, etc come into the picture. If opposition politicians will not show sympathy with ruling party affected persons then who will? Some members are shouting hoarse fr no rhyme or reason and clearly showing their bias. They do not want their party to be criticised at all but they will pass judgments left and right on others. This is not fair.

We always want a very powerful and strong opposition  to criticize the ruling party. Then only the ruling party can find out their mistakes. In a democratic form of government, strong opposition is must to bring stability. The main job of the opposition is to bring the administration up to account. Powerful opposition help the ruling party to understand their fault. I think that the BJP government understood their wrongs when Rahul Gandhi raised his hand against the discrimination on the basis of caste in Hyderabad incident.   

This shows that the politics in india can occur in any circumstances even on death .

bhuyali saroj

These politicians always are always looking for opportunites to criticise government. Many students commited suicide in kota but no one raise his voice because students are not from Dalit. Dalits and minorties are trump card for politicians.

When got independence our country was divided on the basis of religion, and now some groups are trying to divide our country on the basis of caste. Many students from other communities also have committed suicide due to various problems, but no political leader even bother about them, no one has returned his award. Here some SC/ST teachers have resigned to protest. All political parties and media are trying to show that current government is against Dalit students, no one is talking about the equality of students all are trying to divide them on the basis of dalit or non datil.

Rahul Gandhi should take off on another one of his long holidays and reflect as to how his party led by 3 generations of his ancestors could have divided India to this level instead of paying mischievous and convenient politics and as far as Delhi's Crazywala is concerned the lesser said the better , he likes to have one controversy a day to keep him in good spirits , so off he goes to poke his nose in things that actually don't concern him.. There are many factors here which have been left out by the media in their hurry to sensationalise the issue. The Dalit boy who committed suicide was also accused of attacking and injuring the ABPV leader and being part many other such criminal activities ..Fairness is being so to both sides ! But our politicians look so stupid and opportunistic in the way they have been jumping into the issue !

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Every pseudo secular party members are visiting Hyderabad and trying blame center government for the incident. No one wants to know the facts about the incident, but everyone is telling story according to fit his vote bank politics on the incident. Shame on these politicians who are giving fire to the cast system and try to divide the Indian community in Dalits and Non Dalits.

Latest news is, VC of Hyderabad Central University, Apparao, declared that the other Scholors who were removed will be taken back. Additionally, all students , Dalit or non Dalit will begiven equal opportunity.

Arvind Kejriwal is indeed a half witted, dumb person who deserves no attention. Truth is that Rohith Vemula and the ASA (Ambedkar Students Association ) the group he was an activist for, indulged in anti-national activities and were protesting against the execution of Yakub Memon. He even had the audacity to call Swami Vivekanand as a half-witted person and a fake intellectual. I found this copy of the VC's letter to Smriti Irani which clearly reveals this. I think it is high time media was reprimanded for focusing on the issue on basis of caste system and trying to polarize the students. smr

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

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