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For innovative minds sky is the limit. They not only help the society, win the acclaim and appreciation of the Society. Narendra Modi's skill development will function in this direction.


rambabu wrote:

For innovative minds sky is the limit. They not only help the society, win the acclaim and appreciation of the Society. Narendra Modi's skill development will function in this direction.

 well it is my thinking that for the innovative minds who ever is having there is no limit for them not even the sky, their way of thinking is far beyond our thinking that's why they become famous and get fame 


bhuyali saroj

In the context of " Start up India and stand up India" it was essential for innovation in every sphere of life. It is innovation alone that keeps India ahead of all the Nations.


People who have their own ideas and views can succeed in their life. If we have the ability to produce a new item by using something existing in a new and different way, we will get appreciation from others. Most ideas are created by looking at something existing in a new and different way. Trying different things broadens your perspective.

Though not exactly. to some extent, you are right. Innovation makes the country walk in the path to progress and development. Innovation is the need of the hour. The dream project of " Make in India "will become a reality. India becomes Self reliant.


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