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Really the issue is not of Yakub's execution. Full legal process has been followed and judiciary have in their discretion sentenced him to death. Nobody has the right to question the death sentence. The real issue is whether the death sentence should remain in legal system. Many countries have abolished the death sentence. Should our country also abolish the extreme punishment. 

Needless to say,  penal procedures have changed from time to time.  Now we donot have penal provisions of whipping and exile as in past. similarly, death sentence may be removed.  However, in our country, death sentence is not routine. This is awarded only in 'rarest of the rare' cases. I feel that this is sufficient to ensure that death sentence is gioven only in most heinous crimes. 

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Gulshan Kumar Ajmani wrote:

Really the issue is not of Yakub's execution. Full legal process has been followed and judiciary have in their discretion sentenced him to death. Nobody has the right to question the death sentence. The real issue is whether the death sentence should remain in legal system. Many countries have abolished the death sentence. Should our country also abolish the extreme punishment. 

Needless to say,  penal procedures have changed from time to time.  Now we donot have penal provisions of whipping and exile as in past. similarly, death sentence may be removed.  However, in our country, death sentence is not routine. This is awarded only in 'rarest of the rare' cases. I feel that this is sufficient to ensure that death sentence is gioven only in most heinous crimes. 


Very true sir. As you said Death sentences in India are rare and they are awarded to only to those who commit most heinous crimes. Hence i believe there is no need to abolish Death sentences.


Secretary-General of the United Nations Ban Ki moon Has felt the hanging of Yakub was cruel and all hangings should go from every country. According to him he is keeping a close eye on Indian activities. I wonder if he is keeping his eyes on terror activities happening in our country too? 

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Why India should see towards others opinions regarding Death sentence ? The countries where death sentences are more they can think about the issue whether the death sentences are to be abolished or not. But In India as Gulshanji said death sentences in India  are far less. Hence Death sentence must stay.


It is ironical but true that Yakub  is more important because following his hanging it can be negatively exploited by vested interests, unlike Dr Kalam who will be forgotten and remembered for his good contributions. Already one crazy character from SP party has suggested that Yakub's wife should be nominated to the Rajya Sabha because she is now helpless. To what ridiculous extents our politicians can go and not even consider the damaging statements they make.

True. It was Mohammed Ghosi who wrote to Mulayam Singh asking for Rajya sabha seat for Yakum Memon's widow. . But within a moment he regretted.


According to media yakub is more important. But during great scientists last rites, I heard of beautyful commentary from AIR, this goes on to show, what an important personality beloved Dr. Kalam is. People loved him, but for news channels Yakub is more of creating flash news thus grab more media attention.

I have said that Media thrives on sensationalism. It is the Media's way to boost the sales of their paper.. This is true for Electronic media also.


mohan manohar wrote:

According to media yakub is more important. But during great scientists last rites, I heard of beautyful commentary from AIR, this goes on to show, what an important personality beloved Dr. Kalam is. People loved him, but for news channels Yakub is more of creating flash news thus grab more media attention. 

It is sad that both these events happened at the same time overlapping and also taking away some of the importance that Kalam ought to have got...But all said and done , media may have gone all out to sensationalise Yakub's news, but they have also given equal importance to Abdul Kalam...They entirely covered his last journey from start to finish.. 

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Thank you said by: mohan manohar

Though it is true that Media  thrives on sensationalism. In the case of Dr. Kalam as if there is an exception media has given equal exposure to both the events.


Thank you said by: mohan manohar
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