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It is the cheapest medium which has a very big reach

mohan manohar wrote:

YouTube streaming takes price of internet though downloading video to offline within accounts of YT would enable one time spending of data.


I have no limits for downloading as I have a connection of mtnl.  Will it cost me to download movies from yt?


Use your TV. It's the cheapest medium which can give you a plethora of movies and songs.

@ there is no such as unlimited download, you should contact yours suppliers in order to know exact detail of it, as most of times, speed becomes slow after crossing specified download limit.

Well, there are unlimited plans , but yes with speed limit after certain usage. But still it would be unlimited and free. So SJ, I don't think it will cost you anything. If you are having umlimited internet plan then go for it.

AKP wrote:

Well, there are unlimited plans , but yes with speed limit after certain usage. But still it would be unlimited and free. So SJ, I don't think it will cost you anything. If you are having umlimited internet plan then go for it.


Okay but I am not that movie crazy. I don't remember when last time I downloaded a movie.


That depends on you. If you want then you can do it for free with the internet you are having. It is not about being crazy, sometime watching movie can't be call crazy. It is normal thing. You can download for others(family members) if they want.

AKP wrote:

That depends on you. If you want then you can do it for free with the internet you are having. It is not about being crazy, sometime watching movie can't be call crazy. It is normal thing. You can download for others(family members) if they want. are right I will do that for my kids. I remember few kids' movies we used to watch in childhood.


Yes.. Go for it. They will enjoy it for sure. 


I wonder why people run after complicated and expensive things when there are very simple things available under their very nose.

 Whenever I see a good movie of my liking  in my computer I simply Book mark and keep for my future use leisurely. It is as simple as that.

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