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Very true Usha. This attitude is prevalent irrespective of urban or rural regions. It's not the place that matters. It's the mindset of the people that makes vast difference. When a girl child expresses her desire to go to school, a typical mother's answer is, ' Wht on earth yo do by going to school?' going to rule the kingdoms? After marriage you will become some another DOL . WHY should we waste our money on you? '

Even among educated and so called evolved families you see this partiality for a male child. In our neighborhood there was a minor accdient in the nearby playground and a child got hurt , had a fractured hand . The mother was called and the first thing she said was thank god it is Smitha who got hurt and not Shreyas, my husband would kill me if anything happened to our son ....Such insensitivity coming from a mother ! I was truly disgusted by the woman's attitude !!!!!!


Horrible and disgusting but true. This is a very common attitude Usha. Better schools, better clothes, even better and more nourishing food is given to sons and not the daughetrs. Daughters are made to do all the chores in the house and even dance around their brothers attending to all their needs. Result is, all of these boys grow up to insensitive and abusive males who treat their wives and other women as their slaves. This is actually the reason for domestic abuse and violence.

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Thanks everyone for understanding where the problem begins from, the women themselves. The family members esp the women must teach their sons to behave and respect girls in the family. They will then behave better outside too. Most mothers behave too partial with their male children and ignore their improper attitude.

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This partisan attitude is not just restricted to women. Males are not lagging behind. Even now, there are incidents of male demanding a divorce because, his wife gave birth to two female children. In this process, the man got a solid support from his own parents.

rambabu wrote:

This partisan attitude is not just restricted to women. Males are not lagging behind. Even now, there are incidents of male demanding a divorce because, his wife gave birth to two female children. In this process, the man got a solid support from his own parents.

At least the mother of this man should have known where the problem was. She should have told her son this is not a woman that decides about her future offspring.  

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The problem with women in our country is that the years, read centuries, of submission and subserviance and being treated like a slave is programmed so deeply that it has now become a nature. I did a translation of a sociology paper of a particular OBC community. in that 80% women interviewed claimed that they loved and respected their husbands only if they beat them frequently. If a husband did not indulge in violence towards wife, it was seen as a sign of weakness and lack of manliness. This is quite an extreme, but isn't that what is taught to young boys? There is an ad which is being shown nowadays, 'ladke kabhi rote nahi hai.' It sums up this attitude and psychology quite nicely. but thankfully, now it is changing rapidly with the new generation.

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Yes Kalyani, I too have come across such an attitude by women , where they seem to think that their men shd be loud and agressive and any softer emotion or understanding is considered weakness on their part. That ad you have written about is very relevant and I sincerely hope that the message gets across. 

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Thank you said by: Kalyani Nandurkar

The beliefs that are deeply rooted in women, made them think,, What is a man who cannot dominate his woman? This is clear indication that women are not in a position to change their mindset.

VINAYAM,( humility ) VIDHEYATA ( Submissiveness) are the hallmark of an UTTAM STREE (epitome of a virtuous woman) is carved in the rock . Thiis age old  norm of our religious texts. Can't be broken.

rambabu wrote:

The beliefs that are deeply rooted in women, made them think,, What is a man who cannot dominate his woman? This is clear indication that women are not in a position to change their mindset.

VINAYAM,( humility ) VIDHEYATA ( Submissiveness) are the hallmark of an UTTAM STREE (epitome of a virtuous woman) is carved in the rock . Thiis age old  norm of our religious texts. Can't be broken.


I would kike to see these qualities in all good men too, after all we should have something to prove that we respect them or at least give them equal respect. Vinayam is not made for women only.

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suni51 wrote:
rambabu wrote:

The beliefs that are deeply rooted in women, made them think,, What is a man who cannot dominate his woman? This is clear indication that women are not in a position to change their mindset.

VINAYAM,( humility ) VIDHEYATA ( Submissiveness) are the hallmark of an UTTAM STREE (epitome of a virtuous woman) is carved in the rock . Thiis age old  norm of our religious texts. Can't be broken.


I would kike to see these qualities in all good men too, after all we should have something to prove that we respect them or at least give them equal respect. Vinayam is not made for women only.


That is whole problem. Our society is male oriented.


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