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11 years ago
What do you like to give your children?
A healthy Globe or a ruined and abused Globe?
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Digital paintiny by Rambabu
The way that we are extracting our natural resources, soon a time will come when mother nature will be barren and we will run out of our natural resources. It is high time that we become responsible and aware of our environment. If we are not cautious now there will be nothing left for our children in future.
I love writing and sharing ideas
11 years ago
Lovely images Rambabu :) I agree that we need to develop respect for nature and instil the same in children.People seem to take many thigs for granted and the result is that nature revolts..
Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!
Thank you said by: rambabu
11 years ago
Lovely images Rambabu :) I agree that we need to develop respect for nature and instil the same in children.People seem to take many thigs for granted and the result is that nature revolts..
Nature has immense patience. When the man crosses his limits, the injured environment wreaks vengeance in an unprecedented way. This knowledge has to be injected in our children.
11 years ago
Yes sir. Its true. Nature already started losing its patience. We are not having enough rain due to the destruction of forests. So, it is the duty of the parents to impart them good knowledge.
11 years ago
Yes sir. Its true. Nature already started losing its patience. We are not having enough rain due to the destruction of forests. So, it is the duty of the parents to impart them good knowledge.
Every Tsunami, every cyclone or every tornado are the signs of Nature fury. Shouldn't we not take a cue out of this signs of Nature's fury ?
11 years ago
Yes sir. Its true. Nature already started losing its patience. We are not having enough rain due to the destruction of forests. So, it is the duty of the parents to impart them good knowledge.
Every Tsunami, every cyclone or every tornado are the signs of Nature fury. Shouldn't we not take a cue out of this signs of Nature's fury ?
The day we feel that nature also has life that day will be the nature day. When we are going to adopt the policy of go green.
11 years ago
Yes sir. Its true. Nature already started losing its patience. We are not having enough rain due to the destruction of forests. So, it is the duty of the parents to impart them good knowledge.
Every Tsunami, every cyclone or every tornado are the signs of Nature fury. Shouldn't we not take a cue out of this signs of Nature's fury ?
The day we feel that nature also has life that day will be the nature day. When we are going to adopt the policy of go green.
It's too late now. We reached a point of no return. But there is a ray of hope if we learn the lessons from our blunders perpetrated towards the nature
11 years ago
Yes sir. Its true. Nature already started losing its patience. We are not having enough rain due to the destruction of forests. So, it is the duty of the parents to impart them good knowledge.
Also, parents should teach by setting an example for their young ones...good knowledge is better accepted if we show it we examples.
“A mistake is a crash-course in learning” – Billy Anderson
11 years ago
Now after taking blow after blow from the injured environment, the outlook of the parents, educational institutions and the Society in General, there appears a change in the attitude of the people towards environment. Much has to be done in this direction. Only then our children can inherit a healthy globe.
11 years ago
Along with parents, the schools and educational institutions can play a big role in educating children about ways of saving our natural resources. Explaining children the importance of saving natural resources can prove useful for generations to come.
“A mistake is a crash-course in learning” – Billy Anderson
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