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11 years ago
There are many corporate companies now who are taking their social responsibility function seriously and have started sorts of food banks where they collect excess food from people and distribute to the needy. There is one such company we frequently pass by Venkateshwara Hatcheries where every evening the footpath outside is crowded with people who come for food. But recently, to my disappointment, I am seeing quite well-dressed people now in the crowds and by their looks, health etc. It is quite clear that they do not need free food! :blink:
The dress of the crowd is directly proportional to the quality of food being served.
Probably might be true. But how could the generous sponsors still keep giving free food in such a case??? :dry: :huh:
Perhaps some one is donating dresses also !
Yes, some corporate companies do have donation drive every three months..and I having been contributing..after all it is better to donate for those who need. Also, my funda is if I don't give the old clothes, how will I make room for new ones :)...so donating serves well.
“A mistake is a crash-course in learning” – Billy Anderson
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