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Taking screen shots of intimate moments had been great.

A skilled Lens man's ability and ingenuity came in to fore in these amazing photographs.
It is the instant second yo capture intimate moments.

An able and skilled Lens man waits patiently undergoing immense inconvenience to capture the momentous moment. That's the characteristic of a skilled photographer. With the present day cameras anybody can click for a photograph. Such photos go unnoticed.
Modern gadgets like speed detection, auto focus, beautyfy, auto contrast is making photographing easier.

I reiterate gadgets however, they are advanced are of no use, without Human factor.
It is the technical capacity of human which can use gadgets better than rest.

A creative person can create miracles even with a obsolete camera. The greatest photographs were photographed well before the emergence of these modern day cams with which anybody can click. Such photographs cannot reach the folios of history.
@Rambabu: I agree with you, only a good photographer can make use of the technical advancement of cameras. However, yes advanced technology has made it easier for any and everybody to just capture the moments.

“A mistake is a crash-course in learning” – Billy Anderson

@Rambabu: I agree with you, only a good photographer can make use of the technical advancement of cameras. However, yes advanced technology has made it easier for any and everybody to just capture the moments.

I meant that it's not the cam that brings out the best. It's the calibre ,presence of mind and immense patience of the man behind the cam brings out the best. Sans qualities I said above , cannot bring out such memorable results.
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