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Britain is planning to have sex coaching classes for their people.

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Britain is planning to have sex coaching classes for their people.

Sasikanth, Are you talking about sex education? I believe they have sex education already in their education stream.

Born to express, not to impress.
They are implementing to each and every one now a days now it is governed.

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In Britain it is possible, but in India it is not, Still now our culture is some different.
May be they need to have it because I have read many of the girls in schools get pregnant there and becomes mother in schools itself so they need to have some sort of coaching class there for sex.
May be they need to have it because I have read many of the girls in schools get pregnant there and becomes mother in schools itself so they need to have some sort of coaching class there for sex.

If so then they need some coaching.
I think in spain already they started sex classes Britain is the second one.

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In Britain anything can happen.But India are far more backward than foreign countries.

Sharmistha Banerjee
They are implementing to each and every one now a days now it is governed.

What do you mean by each and every one?
Britain is planning to have sex coaching classes for their people.

experiments in education field demands long term plan.

served in iaf for 30 years on mig aircraft. blind believer of spiritual life, interested in exchange of healthy views besides learning from you all.
There might be a difference in sex education and sex coaching classes. By the way, I never heard of that until now.
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