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There is a very famous saying that, peace, forgiveness, kindness, and giving looks great on capable. A weak person would only say' I will teach you a lesson if you hit me next time' and that next time never comes. You should have limit of tolerance, once past that you should either hit back hard or stop talking big. Do not act like a toothless lion.

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The way Pak intruders brutalized themselves by beheading two Indian soldiers and taking their heads with them, I feel sick to my stomach. It beats even medieval crimes. And this government headed by a weakling is still under an illusion of forging friendship with this rogue country - a disgrace of a nation! What do you say?

I too find it shocking to see the way the central government reacts each time there is aggression from Pakistani side...dont they have any self respect? Instead of taking a firm stand and keeping everything at an arms distance including cricket matches , they give in somewhere ...not at all the right way of handling a rogue nation like that!

While dealing with a rogue, we should talk in a language he understands. I think you remember when during Bangla Desh liberation, Indian forces reached the outskirts of Lahore. Seeing this, panicked Bhutto kneeled down before the UN, seeking its intervention and save Pakistan. We should make use of our 'Agni' and reduce Islamabad to smithereens.

I am sure all self respecting Indians would agree with that and even our own scriptures tell us that we have to act according to circumstances but our politicians esp the Congress party thinks that it might effect their vote bank since minorities on Indian side would feel hurt.In fact most minorities esp the muslim community gets extremely angry when Pakistan does things like this and they too wonder why Indian government does nor retaliate more strongly...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

The way Pak intruders brutalized themselves by beheading two Indian soldiers and taking their heads with them, I feel sick to my stomach. It beats even medieval crimes. And this government headed by a weakling is still under an illusion of forging friendship with this rogue country - a disgrace of a nation! What do you say?

I too find it shocking to see the way the central government reacts each time there is aggression from Pakistani side...dont they have any self respect? Instead of taking a firm stand and keeping everything at an arms distance including cricket matches , they give in somewhere ...not at all the right way of handling a rogue nation like that!

While dealing with a rogue, we should talk in a language he understands. I think you remember when during Bangla Desh liberation, Indian forces reached the outskirts of Lahore. Seeing this, panicked Bhutto kneeled down before the UN, seeking its intervention and save Pakistan. We should make use of our 'Agni' and reduce Islamabad to smithereens.

I am sure all self respecting Indians would agree with that and even our own scriptures tell us that we have to act according to circumstances but our politicians esp the Congress party thinks that it might effect their vote bank since minorities on Indian side would feel hurt.In fact most minorities esp the muslim community gets extremely angry when Pakistan does things like this and they too wonder why Indian government does nor retaliate more strongly...

When you said about scriptures, it reminded me of that famous quote of Krishna in Geeta, "Dushta Shikshana and Sista Rakkshana " is the primary duty of a virtuoso . Let 'Dushtas" know what we are and what we are capable of..
Thank you said by: usha manohar
Pak army may be taking revenge of the terrorist who was hanged for killing peoples in 26/11 incident.
Pak army may be taking revenge of the terrorist who was hanged for killing peoples in 26/11 incident.

They will never agree with your statement that the terrorist was a Pakistani or had any connection with them. This is all about our weakness that encourages countries like Bangladesh and Pakistan to behave the way they do otherwise we can keep them in limit where they belong to with a little bit of diplomacy and right kind of attitude.t.

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Pak army may be taking revenge of the terrorist who was hanged for killing peoples in 26/11 incident.

They will never agree with your statement that the terrorist was a Pakistani or had any connection with them. This is all about our weakness that encourages countries like Bangladesh and Pakistan to behave the way they do otherwise we can keep them in limit where they belong to with a little bit of diplomacy and right kind of attitude.t.

Seeing Your softness even an ant also roars at you. Crush it under your feet ruthlessly.
Pak army may be taking revenge of the terrorist who was hanged for killing peoples in 26/11 incident.

They will never agree with your statement that the terrorist was a Pakistani or had any connection with them. This is all about our weakness that encourages countries like Bangladesh and Pakistan to behave the way they do otherwise we can keep them in limit where they belong to with a little bit of diplomacy and right kind of attitude.t.

A nation rendered so soft and porous by corruption of political leadership and mulish refusal on their part to study the mindset of Pakistani leadership is always exposed to this kind of humiliation. We have only earned the ridicule of the whole world. Even a country as small as Israel defends itself so valiantly but India can't! This particular incident has once again highlighted two important facts that India's stand has not been supported by any country with any condemnation from any. Even the UN Chief looks at as a problem between two countries with unsolicited advice to settle their problems through talks!! Talks with whom? A nation with a perpetual criminal bent with a despicable record in promotion of 'jihadi' brand Muslim fundamentalism and in exporting terror to all destinations of the world!! And the second one is our leaders infinite capacity to deceive themselves and the nation!
Thank you said by: suni51, Kalyani Nandurkar
Pak army may be taking revenge of the terrorist who was hanged for killing peoples in 26/11 incident.

They will never agree with your statement that the terrorist was a Pakistani or had any connection with them. This is all about our weakness that encourages countries like Bangladesh and Pakistan to behave the way they do otherwise we can keep them in limit where they belong to with a little bit of diplomacy and right kind of attitude.t.

A nation rendered so soft and porous by corruption of political leadership and mulish refusal on their part to study the mindset of Pakistani leadership is always exposed to this kind of humiliation. We have only earned the ridicule of the whole world. Even a country as small as Israel defends itself so valiantly but India can't! This particular incident has once again highlighted two important facts that India's stand has not been supported by any country with any condemnation from any. Even the UN Chief looks at as a problem between two countries with unsolicited advice to settle their problems through talks!! Talks with whom? A nation with a perpetual criminal bent with a despicable record in promotion of 'jihadi' brand Muslim fundamentalism and in exporting terror to all destinations of the world!!

Why the UN Chief did not suggest the same when the only attack happened on US and they shook the entire world with their fire power and still going on. The weaker people have no right to talk big or peace because that is not their quality but weakness again. We are undoubtedly the most soft or nation spineless, big mouthed having politicians with no duty toward nation but looking for self interests and votes.

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Pak army may be taking revenge of the terrorist who was hanged for killing peoples in 26/11 incident.

They will never agree with your statement that the terrorist was a Pakistani or had any connection with them. This is all about our weakness that encourages countries like Bangladesh and Pakistan to behave the way they do otherwise we can keep them in limit where they belong to with a little bit of diplomacy and right kind of attitude.t.

A nation rendered so soft and porous by corruption of political leadership and mulish refusal on their part to study the mindset of Pakistani leadership is always exposed to this kind of humiliation. We have only earned the ridicule of the whole world. Even a country as small as Israel defends itself so valiantly but India can't! This particular incident has once again highlighted two important facts that India's stand has not been supported by any country with any condemnation from any. Even the UN Chief looks at as a problem between two countries with unsolicited advice to settle their problems through talks!! Talks with whom? A nation with a perpetual criminal bent with a despicable record in promotion of 'jihadi' brand Muslim fundamentalism and in exporting terror to all destinations of the world!!

Why the UN Chief did not suggest the same when the only attack happened on US and they shook the entire world with their fire power and still going on. The weaker people have no right to talk big or peace because that is not their quality but weakness again. We are undoubtedly the most soft or nation spineless, big mouthed having politicians with no duty toward nation but looking for self interests and votes.

It has something with our perception and that of others. At the very individual level if a person has no faith in his or her strength how others can be expected to show it. To our great national leaders ,the valiant Jawan who is guarding the last post is just cannon fodder! They can live happily in the secure knowledge that neither war nor peace would ever disturb them in their murky games. How many leaders have their sons in the defence forces?
suni51 wrote:
chinmoymukherjee wrote:
suni51 wrote:
Devyani Sarkar wrote:
[quote]Pak army may be taking revenge of the terrorist who was hanged for killing peoples in 26/11 incident.

They will never agree with your statement that the terrorist was a Pakistani or had any connection with them. This is all about our weakness that encourages countries like Bangladesh and Pakistan to behave the way they do otherwise we can keep them in limit where they belong to with a little bit of diplomacy and right kind of attitude.t.

A nation rendered so soft and porous by corruption of political leadership and mulish refusal on their part to study the mindset of Pakistani leadership is always exposed to this kind of humiliation. We have only earned the ridicule of the whole world. Even a country as small as Israel defends itself so valiantly but India can't! This particular incident has once again highlighted two important facts that India's stand has not been supported by any country with any condemnation from any. Even the UN Chief looks at as a problem between two countries with unsolicited advice to settle their problems through talks!! Talks with whom? A nation with a perpetual criminal bent with a despicable record in promotion of 'jihadi' brand Muslim fundamentalism and in exporting terror to all destinations of the world!!

Why the UN Chief did not suggest the same when the only attack happened on US and they shook the entire world with their fire power and still going on. The weaker people have no right to talk big or peace because that is not their quality but weakness again. We are undoubtedly the most soft or nation spineless, big mouthed having politicians with no duty toward nation but looking for self interests and votes.

It has something with our perception and that of others. At the very individual level if a person has no faith in his or her strength how others can be expected to show it. To our great national leaders ,the valiant Jawan who is guarding the last post is just cannon fodder! They can live happily in the secure knowledge that neither war nor peace would ever disturb them in their murky games. How many leaders have their sons in the defence forces?[/quote]
This is a valid question. This is a great loss to those family. I salute to those jowan who sacrifices for our life.
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