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The Pakistan army's act is very outrageous. Pakistan government is still adamant and has no regret. Minimum that government could do was to recall the Indian ambassador from Pakistan. I do not see any logic in continuing diplomatic ties with that rogue country.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I totally agree that we should be firm with Pakistan and break off all ties with them,India so far has been bending backwards to accommodate them, I don't understand for what ! They may think twice before doing such things if we retaliate strongly and show that we too have some spine...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

I wonder how can our government still think about friendship after so many bad experience like this from neighbor country. Surely like this all other country will start underestimating us. Too sad.

Mahatma Gandhi's and Bible's principles to show the other cheek :evil: :evil: :angry:

There is a Sanskrit shloka- Sathe sathyam samacharaet (Do the wicked as they do) . Bible and Gandhi are for humane and not barbaric. :sick: :sick: :sick:

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I totally agree that we should be firm with Pakistan and break off all ties with them,India so far has been bending backwards to accommodate them, I don't understand for what ! They may think twice before doing such things if we retaliate strongly and show that we too have some spine...

Its high time that we showed we have spine although I doubt if it will ever happen! Meanwhile our leaders and celebrities will keep inviting stars from Pakistan and keep laying money and awards at their feet! :blink: I really wonder what Asha Bhonsale has to say to this now! :unsure:

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

It's umpteen times Pakistani leaders have been succeeding in making fools of Indian leaders right from Jawhar Lal Nehru to Manmohan Singh. We have a Defense Minister who is barely audible and intelligible and holds this position thanks to his loyalty to the Gandhi family. It's our leadership which should be singularly held responsible for making a lion out of a stinking mouse! If anyone studies the history of Indo-Pak relationship one would be disconcerted to know the number of times we let go of the opportunities to solve the Kahmiri problem. Even Jawhar Lal Nehru committed the silliest of mistakes coming under the influence of Western Pressure. Shastriji who was on his way to completely vanquish Pakistan in 1965 war, also made a similar mistake by retreating from a position of strength when Russia prodded him to do so. If Pakistan - size of which is even smaller than a big Indian state - has been showing audacity to cheat, blackmail, bleed India - disgrace must go to our great leaders whose birth and death anniversaries under official patronage are regularly held with very little involvement on the part of common Indians. History would condemn them for their great disservice to the nation.
Now Ex Pakistan President says that the allegation by India is fake. He denies the fact of beheading of Indian soldier.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Now Ex Pakistan President says that the allegation by India is fake. He denies the fact of beheading of Indian soldier.

I think Pakistan's perpetual mode of denial is a clear proof of its complicity. To be honest, its rogue image has taken on a permanent character now. This very nation does not serve a single purpose to exist in this planet excepting being the proxy of some other nation's agency to commit crimes against all - even some of its scientists are involved in dark designs. The sooner the world wakes up to this reality, the better. Uncle Sam learned it the brutal way and China too would learn one day!!
Now Ex Pakistan President says that the allegation by India is fake. He denies the fact of beheading of Indian soldier.

I think Pakistan's perpetual mode of denial is a clear proof of its complicity. To be honest, its rogue image has taken on a permanent character now. This very nation does not serve a single purpose to exist in this planet excepting being the proxy of some other nation's agency to commit crimes against all - even some of its scientists are involved in dark designs. The sooner the world wakes up to this reality, the better. Uncle Sam learned it the brutal way and China too would learn one day!!

Till date they have never ever admitted to anything and the politicians all speak the same language - the other day I heard madame Rabbani Khar say that such minor issues should not be given any importance and that Indian media is bent on scuttling the peace talks between the two countries - Now what peace talks is she talking about? what has been the result so far? - things have only deteriorated if anything!

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Now Ex Pakistan President says that the allegation by India is fake. He denies the fact of beheading of Indian soldier.

I think Pakistan's perpetual mode of denial is a clear proof of its complicity. To be honest, its rogue image has taken on a permanent character now. This very nation does not serve a single purpose to exist in this planet excepting being the proxy of some other nation's agency to commit crimes against all - even some of its scientists are involved in dark designs. The sooner the world wakes up to this reality, the better. Uncle Sam learned it the brutal way and China too would learn one day!!

Till date they have never ever admitted to anything and the politicians all speak the same language - the other day I heard madame Rabbani Khar say that such minor issues should not be given any importance and that Indian media is bent on scuttling the peace talks between the two countries - Now what peace talks is she talking about? what has been the result so far? - things have only deteriorated if anything!

They seem to have fallen in the habit of denying everything that is done by Pakistanis in India and then try to tone down its magnitude after its proved otherwise. I really feel that it is time now to stop any talks of peace between the two countries, why should we keep continuing to participate in such a meaningless activity when every time it is Pakistan that breaks the truce! For decades there have only been fruitless talks and nothing else positive happened, so why continue that?

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

What can you expect from a PM who has mortgaged his heart - his soul - to the service of the Gandhi family so late in his life? Shame! In the face of all provocations he did not even think of recalling our ambassador to Pakistan! If India has been ill-served it is the this class which we call as educated whom Manmohan Singh represents and this class can travel any length to secure their personal interests!!
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