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Social network can lead us to jail. We saw the incident about 2 girls which were arrested for commenting about Bal thakre in facebook.

Want to make each day Accountable

It is like anywhere else in life, there are always pros and cons and one should know how to use social sites and networks to ones advantage rather than laying oneself open to corrupting influences ! I have been using the internet since the year 2001 and although at that time it was a very limited usage mainly to refer for my children's projects....I have been a member of almost all leading social sites and have never had any bad experience so far nor has it changed my lifestyle negatively in fact enhanced it financially !

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

It is like anywhere else in life, there are always pros and cons and one should know how to use social sites and networks to ones advantage rather than laying oneself open to corrupting influences ! I have been using the internet since the year 2001 and although at that time it was a very limited usage mainly to refer for my children's projects....I have been a member of almost all leading social sites and have never had any bad experience so far nor has it changed my lifestyle negatively in fact enhanced it financially !

That's what I mean, I have been using it since 1998 and never ever had any problems. I have an account on evry networking site where I have no problems whatsoever, I am taking maximum advantage of these sites. No online worker can survive without these. There is need to use these sites carefully, these are not for fun.

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Social networking can lead us many places if we do it carefully. There is not harm meeting good people but be careful bad people are also there.

More than good and bad people there are Abusers. Beware of them. You can withstand bad users, not abusers.

I have no intention of abusing abusers, in case they find it fun let them have fun, I don't want to change their own ways and styles.

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It is like anywhere else in life, there are always pros and cons and one should know how to use social sites and networks to ones advantage rather than laying oneself open to corrupting influences ! I have been using the internet since the year 2001 and although at that time it was a very limited usage mainly to refer for my children's projects....I have been a member of almost all leading social sites and have never had any bad experience so far nor has it changed my lifestyle negatively in fact enhanced it financially !

That's what I mean, I have been using it since 1998 and never ever had any problems. I have an account on evry networking site where I have no problems whatsoever, I am taking maximum advantage of these sites. No online worker can survive without these. There is need to use these sites carefully, these are not for fun.

People like you with long standing relations with social networking systems are the people who know the necessity of keeping the sanctity of social networking systems are never a problem.Yes, that's it. The word "Carefully" you used above does all the magic. But obviously the scenario of the present social networking doesn't seem to understand the crux of the word "Carefully." A legion of examples will stand as testimonial to the fact.
Its not about those who are careful. Its all about "Careless." lot
Anything if used obsessively can give bad results only. Actually no one knows the advantages of social networking sites and they misuse it often...
That's quite true with young generation.. They are spending their lots of precious timing behind it, and yes they don't really realize time they spend on it.

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