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You just need to stop worrying and start exercising and also pay attention to what you eat! There won't be any problem then!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Sasi for your kind information One of my friends has only 52 beats. He has no problem and works normally.
This type of people generally being some calm type person.
Yes, start walking and doing light exercise, if you are not used to it. Eat healthy food. Stop sugar and eat less salt.
Yoga is also beneficial. Don't worry, nothing has happen to you. don't take any stress.
Eat good, do exercise and be happy. Everything is fine.

Want to make each day Accountable

Yesterday I went to Ayurveda Doctor he tested my B.P and heart beat told me that my heart beat was 53 as it must be 85. So he had given medicines to decrease my weight as it is 82 it is more when compared to my age. So i am in serious danger if I had not reduced weight in coming months. :( :(

Did you really feel any trouble or just went to doctor? If you do not feel uneasy, nothing to fear. Just care more about food and physical activities.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

No it is not any decease ,some people has less heart bit. As a child has more heart beat and a old people has less.
Ideally ones blood pressure should be 120/80 and heart beat between 60 - 65 so you are just a little on the low side.Once you start having routine exercise and cut down on fat in your diet you will be fine, dont worry Sasi, it is a kind of wake up call so that you take better care of your health :) I am providing a link below, hope you find it useful...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Sasi Kanth, As you have mentioned that your weight has increases and it is 82. Your doctor is right. It is a over weight. But Nothing to worry. Just take care from now. Try to do alot of exercises. don't use lift. If possible try Gim

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

If you are eating food from outside then reduce it or stop it. Fatty food should not be taken. Change the oil which is consumed in cooking. Choose oil like Saffola or any soya bean oil.

Want to make each day Accountable

sasi, am a bit worried about you.
why can't you consult a allopathy doctor than Ayurvedic?

Allopathic treatments are said to add more miseries and due to this reason , whole world is turning towards Alternate medicines like Ayurveda, Homeopathy,etc. which are free from side effects.

That's absolutely true.. but I think proper diagnosis is not done by the doctors who give alternative medicines. I got a problem and still no remedy through homepathic treatment..reason they don't believe in proper diagnosis.
Sasi don't worry just reduce weight as it is major problem now-a-days. I think you should also consume less oil food.
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