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Fear Less--- Hope More
Eat Less--- chew more
Whine Less- Breathe more
Talk Less--- Say More.
Hate Less--- Love More
And good things will be yours ----Swedish proverb.

I neither support this quote nor criticize. The purpose is to generate a collection of erudite opinions from you.

Here we go.

also eat and drink slow- work fast

That's a good addition.
Fear Less--- Hope More
Eat Less--- chew more
Whine Less- Breathe more
Talk Less--- Say More.
Hate Less--- Love More
And good things will be yours ----Swedish proverb.

I neither support this quote nor criticize. The purpose is to generate a collection of erudite opinions from you.

Here we go.

Worth trying. My next post will be 'Slow and Fast

also eat and drink slow- work fast

Yes nice idea. After "Less and More", "Slow and Fast" should be our next post.
Well said quotes and most of them are good to follow... but every person should also speak Truth more- Lie Less

Just an amendment, 'Only truth, no lies.'
Talk less - work more this is best quote for everyone to get success in their profession

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Talk less - work more this is best quote for everyone to get success in their profession

Agreed. A powerful quote indeed.
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