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Me also using Mspaint for resizing the images. Very rare cases fireworks.
There are lot of image editing tools are there online. Photoshop is one among them and it is a very powerful software that has various features.

There are many resources/tutorials in online to learn photoshop. It will help you to become a graphic designer too....

Arun Selvan, you have given valuable information to Boddunan Members. keep continuing this. All the best!

Born to express, not to impress.
There are lot of image editing tools are there online. Photoshop is one among them and it is a very powerful software that has various features.

There are many resources/tutorials in online to learn photoshop. It will help you to become a graphic designer too....

Arun mail some of them as I want to learm more about Photoshop.Would you please?
Definitely Ram Sir, i will mail you most of the links through which i learned the photoshop techniques.
Thank you said by: RAM PROSAD ACHARYYA
Definitely Ram Sir, i will mail you most of the links through which i learned the photoshop techniques.

Don't call me Sir, I want to be your friend-OK . Agreed or not?
Thank you said by: Arun Selvan
Definitely Ram. Its my pleasure to be a friend of you....
Thank you said by: RAM PROSAD ACHARYYA
Ok you can call me or chat in gmail or gtalk. Feeling happy to get such good friends.
No I don't share photos on the site. Good to hear that you do it. :)
For me too.
I use ms-paint to resize and modify pictures

Sandhya Madam, I request you to get practice in photoshop. It gives many features.

yes I know. But I can't find enough time to study photoshop :silly:

Meera sandhu
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