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thank you for your cooperation with us.It will be very helpful for the new member and other to write article before deciding its title.

Sharmistha Banerjee
I agree that titles are very important, they should be catchy and also should give an insight as to what one can expect from the article ..The length should neither be too long nor too short nor should it be in complicated words .It is better to have simple and straightforward titles that tell you in a nutshell what to expect from an article ..

I agree totally with your views. A title should really convey what the article is all about and at the same time be attractive and appealing enough to want the viewers to click on the link to read it further.

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Thank you said by: usha manohar
The 'Meta Key Words' and 'Meta description' also need attention of authors. although authors are careful in writing articles and giving a suitable title, they in some cases ignore writing key words and description. The description should not be brushed aside in just three or four words. This should be substance of the main article. The reader first reads the description in Articles Index and then move to articles. If the description is attractive, he will move on to read the whole article.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Thank you said by: Sandhya Rani, Arun Jain
I think I need to work on my titles. B) I got editor comments regarding the title for one of my articles.
I have a doubt here should we not refrain from using long titles? Is it OK to use titles up to a sentence (say 7-15 words) long?

I was the editor to make the comment and I made it because your article had so good information that it really pained me to see that not many would read your article. I mean I am an Editor so I have to read every article, but think from a point of view of user/searcher/reader or anyone who have found your article elsewhere.

Ashii, hypothetically speaking, suppose I am a social activist but an atheist, so if I stumble across your article, would I be likely to read it after I see your title? Not highly likely.

But if the title had been descriptive enough as to what it is about, I would have certainly clicked through and read it.

P.S. Please take all of the above as constructive criticism, nothing personal. You are a very good writer and I would want your work to spread to a much broader audience. So gave you suggestions. Hope you don't mind. :)

I am working on it and hope to enhance my work here. All points noted! And I fully understand that is for my benefit. :)

Live in the present :)
Thank you said by: Arun Jain
some authors do not give adequate attention to key words and description both. Key words are just some important words in the article and these need be given. some write instead long sentences instead of key words including same word multiple times. Also description is supposed to be brief summary of main article and it is no use just writing casually ore or two sentences only.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Thanks for tips to write article titles... I will try to follow your tips and ideas i would earn more and more in boddunan

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some authors do not give adequate attention to key words and description both. Key words are just some important words in the article and these need be given. some write instead long sentences instead of key words including same word multiple times. Also description is supposed to be brief summary of main article and it is no use just writing casually ore or two sentences only.

Yes key words are very important esp so when we get paid for page views LOL...but it is necessary here as well since we get paid precisely because of page views through which the site earns.Description too is very important since it creates an interest and also tells the readers what they could expect in an article...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Keywords play a main role for getting popularity of the content. If any one type the keyword in the search engine then our site should come with the related content.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Some authors make too many mistakes. It is not very easy to learn grammar quickly. But just take following steps:

(1) Write only simple sentences. This is easier: Avoid complex and compound sentences. These are formed by joining two or more clauses.
(2) Be careful about verb form.
(3) Use present indefinite or past indefinite instead of continuous. many write continuous unnecessarily.
(4) Remember that THIRD PERSON SINGULAR has a different verb form. so be careful about third person singular only. e.g. He, she, it, some one (Hari, Seeta, geeta) are third person singular.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Thank you said by: Ashii, Sandhya Rani
Well explained Gulshanji, I will surely follow all these rules which you have mentioned here

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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