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Living in a joint family teaches us many things.But now a days we could see very rare joint family.Staying in joint family is of great fun.

This is very true.
I have seen as well as heard that in a joint family, men can somehow adjust and live quitely but women keep quarreling. Rise of many nuclear families is result of such domestic quarrels.

That's true, most of the misunderstandings and quarrels arise out of some minor incidents...The way people react to situations and the attitude of the society , all have an impact on the family structure and joint family system has been at the receiving end ...In a way it is inevitable with the westernisation and modernisation seeping into our society and women becoming more career conscious !

What I feel is that another major factor, that is the lack of communication or more precisely, unwillingness to communicate properly with other family members usually is a cause for rift in a joint family. I have seen many an ugly incidents happening in a few families that I know because of this. And yes, also since women choose to work outside is a cause of friction amongst other women in the family.

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Living in a joint family teaches us many things.But now a days we could see very rare joint family.Staying in joint family is of great fun.

But joint family is rare now. every couple likes to live alone with husband or wife. So Children don't get such lesson from any,how to respect elders

That is not completely true, one may live independently but you do have your family elders for whom you continue to have the same regard and respect . Just living in joint families don't necessarily mean that every one respects the elders, they may do so out of practice and the feeling may not be genuine with everyone ...I have seen many joint families where the youngsters are waiting to get free..

Usha, you have summed it up correctly. In most joint families, the eldest of the brothers or the father-in-law holds the remote to everyone else and no one is allowed to make decisions for themselves or in many cases, the younger siblings are not even allowed to make decisions for their own children. This is quite resented by them and causes the friction and rift in the family. This used to be a general scenario in almost all families and hence lead to breaking of families in smaller families.

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Living in a joint family teaches us many things.But now a days we could see very rare joint family.Staying in joint family is of great fun.

But joint family is rare now. every couple likes to live alone with husband or wife. So Children don't get such lesson from any,how to respect elders.

Ram, actually I feel it is not the children's fault but it is only the fact that children imitate the way their parents behave. They see their own parents not paying respect to elders and being rude to them.

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Living in a joint family teaches us many things.But now a days we could see very rare joint family.Staying in joint family is of great fun.

This is very true.
I have seen as well as heard that in a joint family, men can somehow adjust and live quitely but women keep quarreling. Rise of many nuclear families is result of such domestic quarrels.

That's true, most of the misunderstandings and quarrels arise out of some minor incidents...The way people react to situations and the attitude of the society , all have an impact on the family structure and joint family system has been at the receiving end ...In a way it is inevitable with the westernisation and modernisation seeping into our society and women becoming more career conscious !

What I feel is that another major factor, that is the lack of communication or more precisely, unwillingness to communicate properly with other family members usually is a cause for rift in a joint family. I have seen many an ugly incidents happening in a few families that I know because of this. And yes, also since women choose to work outside is a cause of friction amongst other women in the family.

Yes envy and jealousy can easily disintegrate a family .Kalyani, I agree that it is more unwillingness rather than lack of communication, probably has to do with ego and pride.No one wants to bend and be the first ones to compromise ,,

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Living in a joint family teaches us many things.But now a days we could see very rare joint family.Staying in joint family is of great fun.

This is very true.
I have seen as well as heard that in a joint family, men can somehow adjust and live quitely but women keep quarreling. Rise of many nuclear families is result of such domestic quarrels.

That's true, most of the misunderstandings and quarrels arise out of some minor incidents...The way people react to situations and the attitude of the society , all have an impact on the family structure and joint family system has been at the receiving end ...In a way it is inevitable with the westernisation and modernisation seeping into our society and women becoming more career conscious !

What I feel is that another major factor, that is the lack of communication or more precisely, unwillingness to communicate properly with other family members usually is a cause for rift in a joint family. I have seen many an ugly incidents happening in a few families that I know because of this. And yes, also since women choose to work outside is a cause of friction amongst other women in the family.

Yes envy and jealousy can easily disintegrate a family .Kalyani, I agree that it is more unwillingness rather than lack of communication, probably has to do with ego and pride.No one wants to bend and be the first ones to compromise ,,

Yes, that is so true Usha!! Also, it is natural that a member may want to do certain things only for his wife and children and not for other children in the family. This leads to a misunderstanding and causes friction!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Joint family has mostly disappeared from the society.Now mainly people stay in nuclear family.Many of them are separated for their work and settled in some other countries.

Sharmistha Banerjee
Dressing sense and the life style also changed. In the past, men used to wear dhoti-shirt and women saree. But nowadays it has changed to pant-shirt and salwar.
Dressing sense and the life style also changed. In the past, men used to wear dhoti-shirt and women saree. But nowadays it has changed to pant-shirt and salwar.

This is not an issue as that much changes we may expect with the time. :)
Living in a joint family teaches us many things.But now a days we could see very rare joint family.Staying in joint family is of great fun.

This is very true.
I have seen as well as heard that in a joint family, men can somehow adjust and live quitely but women keep quarreling. Rise of many nuclear families is result of such domestic quarrels.

That's true, most of the misunderstandings and quarrels arise out of some minor incidents...The way people react to situations and the attitude of the society , all have an impact on the family structure and joint family system has been at the receiving end ...In a way it is inevitable with the westernisation and modernisation seeping into our society and women becoming more career conscious !

What I feel is that another major factor, that is the lack of communication or more precisely, unwillingness to communicate properly with other family members usually is a cause for rift in a joint family. I have seen many an ugly incidents happening in a few families that I know because of this. And yes, also since women choose to work outside is a cause of friction amongst other women in the family.

Yes envy and jealousy can easily disintegrate a family .Kalyani, I agree that it is more unwillingness rather than lack of communication, probably has to do with ego and pride.No one wants to bend and be the first ones to compromise ,,

Yes, that is so true Usha!! Also, it is natural that a member may want to do certain things only for his wife and children and not for other children in the family. This leads to a misunderstanding and causes friction!

Basically with education and financial freedom such things are bound to happen .No doubt that Joint families do have a certain amount charm and also provides security to the members but again it can also breed inefficiency and laziness since there is family support ..

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

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