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The present generation kids wont listen to our words if we speak harshly with them, when we talk with them with kind and sweet words then they will listen

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Nowadays kids are very smart and they are bold enough and we can easily mold them by using kind words and sometimes with strict orders. :cheer:

Yes its true due to the improved technology they are more smarter than the kids used to be in the past.My daughter who is just 4 years know how to use mouse of computer she know what happens when we click somewhere while surfing net compared to me who saw a computer at the age of 20 years. :laugh:
Now, I think all parents including me often complaint......."You are not hearing my words. When I was a kid I fear my parents and teachers a lot. Now I have to repeatedly ask you to do something. Kids of today never hear our words" :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Is it true? Or just our feelings? :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

yes. They got angry easily and wont listen the words of parents. This is true only.
Yes all parents think so but remember your childhood all are same in their own. So don't worry they will be in track when they will grow up.
Today's kids think themselves too smart.They do not listen to their elders.But this is the age when they do not understand who are elders.They have no intention to do all these.when they will grow up they will automatically be changed.

Sharmistha Banerjee
Earlier, a family has more than 5 or 10 kids. So less caring.
But nowadays, in atomic families of 1-2 kids, parents are taking care of even minute things of kids. Sometimes, such over caring also spoil the kids and they themselves begin to think superior.

Meera sandhu
hi thanks for your inforamtion i am new to this forum
hi thanks for your inforamtion i am new to this forum

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Meera sandhu
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