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Yes life is pre-destined. In astrology everything is predictable. It depends on us how we will do and what we will do.

That is only if you believe in astrology which is again something that has not been proven ....So does it mean that we simply sit back and let life take over ! That can never happen because we have to live and to live we have to eat and to eat we have to earn and so on...This entire process of life can never be predicted ...

For me life is every day effort and struggle if every thing is predestined, we should sleep on a bed and every thing would take shape the way it was predestined. :laugh: I would be the happiest man if it's so.

Exactly ! I would find such a life boring :dry: , just imagine, not doing anything but accept life as it is ....there is a funny side to it too - you can never be sure what is going to happen next ,since everything is predetermined and you have no role to play !!! :cheer:

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Yes life is pre-destined. In astrology everything is predictable. It depends on us how we will do and what we will do.

That is only if you believe in astrology which is again something that has not been proven ....So does it mean that we simply sit back and let life take over ! That can never happen because we have to live and to live we have to eat and to eat we have to earn and so on...This entire process of life can never be predicted ...

For me life is every day effort and struggle if every thing is predestined, we should sleep on a bed and every thing would take shape the way it was predestined. :laugh: I would be the happiest man if it's so.

Exactly ! I would find such a life boring :dry: , just imagine, not doing anything but accept life as it is ....there is a funny side to it too - you can never be sure what is going to happen next ,since everything is predetermined and you have no role to play !!! :cheer

Doubtless! Life would cease to be livable and that's the only reason I stay away from knowing what would come in the next very second! :whistle: :whistle:
I do not subscribe to the theory of 'pre-determinism'! Rather my thoughts and beliefs are predicated upon 'cause and effect' relationship. To put it straight - as you sow so you reap!

I would go with that theory as well ! Thats how nature made us and thats how we have to live.Once you realise that , you automatically become responsible for your actions which makes life easier all round !

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

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