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When I was in 8th standard I lost my father and from then I just changed my self.Started to work.Help my mother in her household work and also continued my studies along with the work.I used to teach small student just to earn at least my pocket money.So that my mother won't have to work much hard.

Yes, certain incidents in our life may change us a lot.....often situations ask us to take more responsibilities. :) :)

Am really feeling proud of you. :) :)
Thanks a lot for sharing this.

Meera sandhu
When I was in 8th standard I lost my father and from then I just changed my self.Started to work.Help my mother in her household work and also continued my studies along with the work.I used to teach small student just to earn at least my pocket money.So that my mother won't have to work much hard.

This is inspiring! :) Thanks for sharing.

Live in the present :)
I don't change easily come what may. That is only natural for any one to change if the demand of the occasion ask for the same.

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When I grown up I had to take the responsibility of my family and this brought a great change in me.

Sharmistha Banerjee
When I grown up I had to take the responsibility of my family and this brought a great change in me.

You have already given that answer Sharmishta :evil: :evil:
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Meera sandhu
After i came to chennai i have changed to being positive. Actally i had a habit of not speaking with the boys or girls who were black but i have changed that.
After my marriage I had changed my character mostly. Every thing I will think in a positive manner.

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My married life change my character.previously I was very shy girl and just talk less not so caring about myself.But now i am changed.

Sharmistha Banerjee
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