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I too don't remember any such things.. ;) :)
When was studying my 9th Grade my mathematics teacher did not give mark for my correct questioon. I didnot wish to ask. But my friend told to ask.
When I asked he said now only u wrote. I feel too bad that time. Why I asked? I thought like that. He did mistake and he never accept that.

But in public exam (10th) my math marks is 100(centom)this is given by god for my hardwork.
I too don't remember any such things.. ;) :)

Just try yaar ;)

Meera sandhu
I too don't remember any such things.. ;) :)

Just try yaar ;)

Yaa Rajni!! Just try Yaar ;)
:woohoo: :woohoo:

Software Engineers never die...They just go offline.
Actually, it hurt us more if we are punished for a non-committed mistake than when we have really committed so.

Meera sandhu
Actually, it hurt us more if we are punished for a non-committed mistake than when we have really committed so.

We cannot avoid even whimsical punishment for no reason. I find that parents and teachers just beat when angry on some pretext. Some times just on fault of one, many are beaten.

But the world contains paradox. We have to live with everything.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Actually, it hurt us more if we are punished for a non-committed mistake than when we have really committed so.

We cannot avoid even whimsical punishment for no reason. I find that parents and teachers just beat when angry on some pretext. Some times just on fault of one, many are beaten.

But the world contains paradox. We have to live with everything.

Sometimes, such faults and blames can occur from our side also, due to some misunderstandings

Meera sandhu
Sometimes misunderstanding happens and we are punished for that .
the last year indian idol is going on at that time the south Indian sriram chandra is also participating. At that time, all of my family member used to watch the show. So at that time i notes how to SMSthat content participants. so when my parents were discussing they are saying wrong number. Then i went and told that that is wrong number and i told them the right number but they didn't listen to me and more over they scolded me saying that i think always that i am the great and i only know everything. so i got hurt and kept quite, when they messaged they lost the money and the vote didn't go to Indian idol. when again they watch the show they found that what number i said to my parents that number only those program people also announced.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

the last year indian idol is going on at that time the south Indian sriram chandra is also participating. At that time, all of my family member used to watch the show. So at that time i notes how to SMSthat content participants. so when my parents were discussing they are saying wrong number. Then i went and told that that is wrong number and i told them the right number but they didn't listen to me and more over they scolded me saying that i think always that i am the great and i only know everything. so i got hurt and kept quite, when they messaged they lost the money and the vote didn't go to Indian idol. when again they watch the show they found that what number i said to my parents that number only those program people also announced.

So, your parents are also interested in voting :cheer: :cheer:

I remember a Malayalam film released 2 years before, where a grand mother is voting for reality contestants, very interested....actually, it's a funny scene of that movie to see how old people are using new technologies for such uses. :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :laugh: :laugh:

Meera sandhu
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