If anybody having sleeping problems please do share

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we must have a sound sleep at night.as nights are very quiet so it helps us to sleep soundly.doctor advice us to sleep at lest 6 to 7 hours a day and i think that we had that sleep at night.person who suffers from sleep disorder must have regular exercise or do meditation before going to sleep.it relaxes our mind and body and helps to sleep soundly.try meditation everyday before going to bed.it helps a lot.

Sharmistha Banerjee
Sometimes, i do have.....

normally, i wake up at least once every night.

Also...street lamps are causing very much disturbance to us, our room is in the front side.
There are 4 bedrooms in the house. But what to do, all bedrooms are designed in the front.....so can't sleep well in the street lamps ...which are 3-4 in number......

Meera sandhu
My friend also having sleeping problems. She usually told me that.

Today i read one article that says 93% Indians are suffering by

sleeping disorders

My friend also having sleeping problems. She usually told me that.

Today i read one article that says 93% Indians are suffering by

sleeping disorders

93% :sick: :sick: :dry:
Unbelievable!!! :S :S
Can you give the link of that article?

Meera sandhu
My friend also having sleeping problems. She usually told me that.

Today i read one article that says 93% Indians are suffering by

sleeping disorders

93% :sick: :sick: :dry:
Unbelievable!!! :S :S
Can you give the link of that article?

I read it in a tamil news paper called Dhinamani.

3rd page first heading consists of this topic only.

I showed it to my sleeples friend also

Yes i have sleep disorder i feel asleep whenever i lye on bed at night and don't wake up till my alarm of mobile make a loud sound. :woohoo:
Thank you said by: Mary
I have no such problem as 'disorder' of sleep. I generally sleep at 1.30 am and getup after 8 in the morning without any problem or having to wake-up in between. But I have a single problem that even slightest of noise can wake me up. I need total silence apart the regular sounds of AC or fan.

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I have no such problem as 'disorder' of sleep. I generally sleep at 1.30 am and getup after 8 in the morning without any problem or having to wake-up in between. But I have a single problem that even slightest of noise can wake me up. I need total silence apart the regular sounds of AC or fan.

But unlike you i don't get disturbed with the sound also.I can sleep comfortably if someone is watching TV with high volume. :laugh:
Actually, we should remove all electronic equipments including TV and PC from our bed room to get sound sleep

Meera sandhu
Actually, we should remove all electronic equipments including TV and PC from our bed room to get sound sleep

Actually i have a small house so i have to keep TV in bed room also my wife likes it to keep in bed room as she ses serials till late night. :woohoo:
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