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If my kids say no for going to school, then i will wake them up slowly saying if you wont go to school then you can not grow big and become a great person. I will make them understand the purpose of going to school. then they will surely wake when i wake them up and they will become interested to goto school

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Let the kid have his say. But next day, when kid asks for any thing say- No. Even for breakfast, say no. The kid will realize that many things are necessary and the whim of 'no' is useless. Going to school is as necessary as breakfast.

This is good psychological treatment. Beating and scolding is not the only solution to make your child obey you.
If my daughter give a valid reason for not going school might be i will accept otherwise i will scold her.But Still now she never asked me about this. So really i don't know how i will react.
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