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12 years ago
I people who willingly fulfills our desire for nothing in return are automatically becomes very special for us. They are very close to us, Thus if they any how could not do what we expect, even though we have not asked them to do so for us, they no longer remain special for us. This is the mental setup of human beings.
12 years ago
we often say to ourselves and others also that not to expect anything from anyone howsoever close he/she might be but actually some or the other time we do start expecting as because of human tendency.
Thats true, we do have some expectations from people close to us.When it is mutual it draws people close to one another, but when it is one sided and demanding it can spell trouble :unsure:
Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!
12 years ago
I people who willingly fulfills our desire for nothing in return are automatically becomes very special for us. They are very close to us, Thus if they any how could not do what we expect, even though we have not asked them to do so for us, they no longer remain special for us. This is the mental setup of human beings.
I dint get you , but when people do something without our asking for it, we should be immensely grateful to them and definitely not expect anything more, in fact, if possible we should do something that they would like and appreciate ..
Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!
12 years ago
In my case,every time when i had expected from other,i didn't got that much response.
So,now i have left all expectations and started to live a life without help.
This has helped me.
So,now i have left all expectations and started to live a life without help.
This has helped me.
Want to make each day Accountable
12 years ago
I people who willingly fulfills our desire for nothing in return are automatically becomes very special for us. They are very close to us, Thus if they any how could not do what we expect, even though we have not asked them to do so for us, they no longer remain special for us. This is the mental setup of human beings.
I dint get you , but when people do something without our asking for it, we should be immensely grateful to them and definitely not expect anything more, in fact, if possible we should do something that they would like and appreciate ..
But I feel unwanted help very disgusting. I politely refuse such help. Nobody can be sure of ultimate motive behind such help.
G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant
12 years ago
Well, Yes I have few expectation from my close one.. But I know we shouldn't that much expect as any closer one can break them..
ANDROIOS: http://androios-tweaks.blogspot.com
12 years ago
Well, Yes I have few expectation from my close one.. But I know we shouldn't that much expect as any closer one can break them..
If our demands are not money related, most probably they will oblige you. Money is the main problem for relations.
12 years ago
Sunil.. That's so true.. It is surely main problem behind breaking relations.
But sometimes even in non money matters, few expectation gets failed.
But sometimes even in non money matters, few expectation gets failed.
ANDROIOS: http://androios-tweaks.blogspot.com
12 years ago
Sunil.. That's so true.. It is surely main problem behind breaking relations.
But sometimes even in non money matters, few expectation gets failed.
Expectation related to money most of the time get failed but people do respond to if it is other help we ask/expect. :blink:
12 years ago
I don't think they do those other help in all cases.
ANDROIOS: http://androios-tweaks.blogspot.com
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