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I have always noticed.....price of our commodities are rising bit by bit. If we take a single article, we may see, it's just 50 paise, 1 rupee or 2 rupee. But if we calculate its percentage, we will be shocked to know it may be 10%, 20% or 30% increase of the present cost.
Also, when all the commodity prices are raising in the same manner, when we take a monthly calculation of all the commodities added together, it will figure a huge amount, as Swetha calculated.

Let me consider the increase of milk price in our state in past 1 year. Last year, it was 25 rs or 1 litre. Now its 32. If we say it's just 7 rupee increase, it's simple. But if we calculate its increase in percentage, it's very high. Isn't it?
We can't live with milk alone....all commodities are needed :evil: :evil: :evil:

Meera sandhu
Yes, exactly!

There is a joke doing the rounds of late that is...

The Pakistan Prime Minister confessed that He failed to get black money to Pakistan; if the Indian Prime Minister does even try, then he will be dismissed!

Hahahahah I hope Chinmoy ji and Gulshan ji understand my joke..hhaha

Swetha Shenoy
He has been oozing confidence for the past few years but the ground realities are that India is very badly hit! Industrial growth has taken an alarming hit. Job cuts are looming very large in the horizon!

RBI has also taken a line that containing inflation is more important than increasing growth rate. So, RBI is not adopting cheap credit policy. No doubt, reduction in growth will adversely affect employment.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

What a cruel irony! When the entire country except the political class,babus and Industrial magnates are groaning under the crushing burden of an economic crisis, we have celebrations already for Pranab Mukherjee's victory. Didn't Alexander the great once tell Selucus that it's indeed,the strangest land of the world!!!

Even in midst of crisis, we need to elect a President. This is normal constitutional requirement. However there is nothing to celebrate as such. But friends and well wishers of Pranab will definitely rejoice.

Crisis and celebrations go together. So many deaths take place and there is lot of disease and misery. Even then marriages are celebrated. Thus Pranab's victory will also be celebrated. Let us hope this celebration is not costly.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

He has been oozing confidence for the past few years but the ground realities are that India is very badly hit! Industrial growth has taken an alarming hit. Job cuts are looming very large in the horizon!

RBI has also taken a line that containing inflation is more important than increasing growth rate. So, RBI is not adopting cheap credit policy. No doubt, reduction in growth will adversely affect employment.

What RBI believes and what realities reveal land us where? The RBI's policy of containing inflation has been tested in failures than success as many members have quoted spiraling prices. How does Mr.Ahluwalia hope to ride out this crisis in this scenario?
What a cruel irony! When the entire country except the political class,babus and Industrial magnates are groaning under the crushing burden of an economic crisis, we have celebrations already for Pranab Mukherjee's victory. Didn't Alexander the great once tell Selucus that it's indeed,the strangest land of the world!!!

Even in midst of crisis, we need to elect a President. This is normal constitutional requirement. However there is nothing to celebrate as such. But friends and well wishers of Pranab will definitely rejoice.

Crisis and celebrations go together. So many deaths take place and there is lot of disease and misery. Even then marriages are celebrated. Thus Pranab's victory will also be celebrated. Let us hope this celebration is not costly.

Abroad , students get to study about their country's political status and economic background as part of the curriculum.This is to make each and every citizen aware of his country and its status.this awareness make people more patriotic and concerned.But here right from the top, everybody is out to loot the country's resources one cannot expect much unless there is a change in the attitude of the future generations ..

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

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