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What is the relation in between passing year and seriousness, Mehmood was bigger comedian in his later years.

Seriousness in life differs from role in movie. Mahmood might be better comedian in later years as he was more experienced. Also success as comedian shows that he was more serious with his occupation. In the thread, by 'seriousness' we mean whether you are humorous or not in your real life.

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yes, arjun is right, with the age responsibilities increases and mind maturity comes

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

When that time also we behaved like a childish means all will scold us.

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yes, arjun is right, with the age responsibilities increases and mind maturity comes

But does it add seriousness to life?

Meera sandhu
What is the relation in between passing year and seriousness, Mehmood was bigger comedian in his later years.

Seriousness in life differs from role in movie. Mahmood might be better comedian in later years as he was more experienced. Also success as comedian shows that he was more serious with his occupation. In the thread, by 'seriousness' we mean whether you are humorous or not in your real life.

Even humor is not related with passing years, I have developed my sense of humor with every passing year.

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I have developed my attitude and to react accordingly to the situation by the passing years.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

I have developed my attitude and to react accordingly to the situation by the passing years.

Question is about seriousness and humour sense

Meera sandhu
I would always prefer a humorous Oldie rather than a serious one. He is good to spend time with.

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yes, by the years passing we should develop our jovialness and should maintain how to behave at the situations

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

As we grow,our respnsibilities increases,so we become more serious in our life. As we get married our responsibilites increases more.But if we try to live our life without fear,so we can live life happily.

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