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Success depends on many things:

(1) Your talent and training
(2) Planning
(3) Hard work
(4) cooperation by others
(5) caliber and hard work of competitors
(6) Environment

Thus you may work hard but your competitor works harder. His harder work will reduce affect of your work in the competition. For success, only hard work is not significant. First choose what is best according to your aptitude and interest, acquire proper skill, plan carefully, get others' cooperation by courteous behavior and tact and work hard and also smartly.

However there is no such thing as fate. Nothing is predetermined by some divine authority.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Generally luck is the result of hard work. People succeed in life because they do hardwork. Getting or discovering an opportunity is a part of luck but making full use of that opportunity requires hard work. But in some situation luck might be more dominant like in case of winning a lottery.
Generally luck is the result of hard work. People succeed in life because they do hardwork. Getting or discovering an opportunity is a part of luck but making full use of that opportunity requires hard work. But in some situation luck might be more dominant like in case of winning a lottery.

Have anyone of Boddunan members won a lottery till now? :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
Please do reveal!! :cheer:

Meera sandhu
What lottery are you talking sandhya, may i also know about it

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

What lottery are you talking sandhya, may i also know about it

I want to know if anyone of our group is lucky to get a lottery....that's got success without hard work ;)

Meera sandhu
Sandhya you are only going to get lottery, because after earning 10k points you will be rewarded with 5k points also as bonus

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Sandhya you are only going to get lottery, because after earning 10k points you will be rewarded with 5k points also as bonus

But it's my hard work too....
Yet, I will feel lucky if nothing stops me from those 48 posts...
We can't predict even the next moment, isn't it? I even think, if I will be able to complete it :huh:
I always live every moment of my life thinking about the uncertainty that can take place even for my next breath

Meera sandhu
Yes for sure. hard work brings victory to us. keep hard working friends.
In most of the cases hard work pays but there is luck factor too sometime even me after working hard sometime don't get what i have thought of. :evil:
Suppose a farmer is doing a lot of hard work, sowing seeds...i.e.he has done all that he can do. But, if against prediction, rain not shower or flood occurred, will his hard work and effort costs??? Never.

Meera sandhu
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