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Are these for US sites? Which dictionary would you want your writer should use, would that be US or UK version? Finally are these articles meant for Indian sites or other countries? What about tag-lines?

I love this free image hosting site for sharing my work

Is it based on latest technologies or something like that? Or any type of articles?

Meera sandhu
Most probably US based work, But its not tough to learn US English. Most time you have to use UK also rarely US.
articles will be of random categories
articles will be of random categories

Will it include recipes too?

Meera sandhu
can anyone apply for this or it's for specific age and experience?

You will be paying 40 rupees for 500 words article. But what if the world limit increases, will the amount increase? or the word count is restricted to 500 - 520 words?
No baby no recipes these will be of technological, medicines, travels and tutoring.
The word count is fixed.
There is no age limit, A person who loves to write can apply for this post.
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