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This is also must do hardwork of ours but we cannot take from her as she is a hardworker in this site.

The way she is going it looks she will take away 30 shares in this month and yes she deserves it who says hard work does not pay this is the perfect example of getting reward of a hard work. :)

Seeing my work , I feel revenue share will narrow to below 20 per share ;)

I also think it will happen in this month as there would be lot of share holders but the revenue will remain almost same.I think its better to focus on the articles if someone really is interested in earning from boddunan. :)

That's what I told you...if you want to earn fast, write some articles.
Yet be active in forum too....

i am trying to do it last week i could be able to publish only one article but now i have 3~4 in the pipeline.I will try to write good articles as lately i am not getting much of the cash credits from the articles. I think just 20/ is not enough i should write somethings extra ordinary to get some more. :)

Yes you should increase you ability as there are so many user who gain more cash in their article.recent example is0123456 he got 90 rs for one of his article.....
This is also must do hardwork of ours but we cannot take from her as she is a hardworker in this site.

The way she is going it looks she will take away 30 shares in this month and yes she deserves it who says hard work does not pay this is the perfect example of getting reward of a hard work. :)

Seeing my work , I feel revenue share will narrow to below 20 per share ;)

I also think it will happen in this month as there would be lot of share holders but the revenue will remain almost same.I think its better to focus on the articles if someone really is interested in earning from boddunan. :)

That's what I told you...if you want to earn fast, write some articles.
Yet be active in forum too....

i am trying to do it last week i could be able to publish only one article but now i have 3~4 in the pipeline.I will try to write good articles as lately i am not getting much of the cash credits from the articles. I think just 20/ is not enough i should write somethings extra ordinary to get some more. :)

Yes you should increase you ability as there are so many user who gain more cash in their article.recent example is0123456 he got 90 rs for one of his article.....

See everyone has his own ability may be i need to be more skilled in writing but don't worry i will try it. :)
This is also must do hardwork of ours but we cannot take from her as she is a hardworker in this site.

The way she is going it looks she will take away 30 shares in this month and yes she deserves it who says hard work does not pay this is the perfect example of getting reward of a hard work. :)

Seeing my work , I feel revenue share will narrow to below 20 per share ;)

I also think it will happen in this month as there would be lot of share holders but the revenue will remain almost same.I think its better to focus on the articles if someone really is interested in earning from boddunan. :)

That's what I told you...if you want to earn fast, write some articles.
Yet be active in forum too....

i am trying to do it last week i could be able to publish only one article but now i have 3~4 in the pipeline.I will try to write good articles as lately i am not getting much of the cash credits from the articles. I think just 20/ is not enough i should write somethings extra ordinary to get some more. :)

Yes you should increase you ability as there are so many user who gain more cash in their article.recent example is0123456 he got 90 rs for one of his article.....

See everyone has his own ability may be i need to be more skilled in writing but don't worry i will try it. :)

that is a sign of real man with full energy.Just go on sanjeev jee.........
Thank you said by: Sanjeev Gupta
No you are wrong, she is in top 5 now and soon shall be in top three. Update your info. :)

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I know it Sir and i am also trying to come on to the first page soon. :laugh:
Soon she will be come top 1 in the lists, just wait and see

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

I know but I am happy if I reach in first ten because I have to manage my blog also. I am too busy to do more than this.

I love this free image hosting site for sharing my work

Soon she will be come top 1 in the lists, just wait and see

yes, that will happen soon.. i need to be in top 20. i hope i can reach their soon.. :woohoo: :woohoo: :lol:

Soon she will be come top 1 in the lists, just wait and see

yes, that will happen soon.. i need to be in top 20. i hope i can reach their soon.. :woohoo: :woohoo: :lol:

I am too desperate to make my place somewhere in top 20 first.

Want to make each day Accountable

Soon she will be come top 1 in the lists, just wait and see

I don't think so...
Actually I may be not so active here.....I want to start blogs. Let me do something for me also :evil: :evil: :whistle: :whistle: :whistle:

Meera sandhu
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