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What is very clear is the fact that these noble professions have ceased to be so with the moral degradation taking place in our society and doctors too are part of this decadent society!
The only difference that a doctor takes the oath of saving the life of human when he comes out of medical college at the cost of public's tax.

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That would be pretty unkind comments on ones on whose services the society adds a lot of value and importance. May be they draw the flak because whatever they do comes under public scrutiny so easily.
I once heard a person saying in a funny mood, "We will die someday, it's sure. What doctors can do is just to extend our life, nothing else. So, it's not at all a great thing"...ha ha

Meera sandhu
I once heard a person saying in a funny mood, "We will die someday, it's sure. What doctors can do is just to extend our life, nothing else. So, it's not at all a great thing"...ha ha

An unkind thing to say, I bet the person who made this comment was a cynic. In light of what is happening in the medical profession now, I agree that the doctors are facing quite a bit of flak, but then revoking the private practice is not a solution. In fact in our country, that would only mean another green pasture for corruption in the government-owned hospitals! Private practices should be allowed, but there should be a regulating authority that moderates and controls these practices diligently so that no unjust and unethical practices thrive in them!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

I once heard a person saying in a funny mood, "We will die someday, it's sure. What doctors can do is just to extend our life, nothing else. So, it's not at all a great thing"...ha ha

An unkind thing to say, I bet the person who made this comment was a cynic. In light of what is happening in the medical profession now, I agree that the doctors are facing quite a bit of flak, but then revoking the private practice is not a solution. In fact in our country, that would only mean another green pasture for corruption in the government-owned hospitals! Private practices should be allowed, but there should be a regulating authority that moderates and controls these practices diligently so that no unjust and unethical practices thrive in them!

Actually the way by which doctors behave nowadays prompted him to say so because only a few are available now, who see it as passion or duty to save many lives.
It's true, doctors have lost their respect and image in the society.
A time was there, when medicine students were selected based on their intelligence only. Now it's selected according to money bags. I think it's the main reason behind their lost face.

Meera sandhu
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