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i dont know. what kind of cleaning up is suggested? please tell and explain to me

I have provided a few ideas through different links, check them.

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There is no proper information on it..I think if you have malware software installed then to some extent such type of problems may be avoided..However I think government agencies are main target according to the information.
I feel let us wait till july9th and see what will happen

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

So now you must clean your computer, I am busy doing this from this morning. So I am not much busy here or any where else.

What kind of clean up is suggested Sunil??? Could you please explain it as I have been lazy catching up on this issue and I don't want to lose my computer at least for now!!! :laugh:

I think this should help you

I love this free image hosting site for sharing my work

Nice information you shared keep it up and share updates if anything new comes.

Santosh Kumar Singh


Very useful information shared. I dont aware of this issue earlier. Now, i started cleaning my laptop. :)

I am sure you have every thing to gain and nothing to loose even if your computer is not facing a direct attack. I was tried a trick today but I cleaned it up. This came in shape of Facebook friend's request an unusual thing in my mailbox.

I love this free image hosting site for sharing my work

Nice information shared i will clean up my computer by the steps you told in the link. :)
So now you must clean your computer, I am busy doing this from this morning. So I am not much busy here or any where else.

What kind of clean up is suggested Sunil??? Could you please explain it as I have been lazy catching up on this issue and I don't want to lose my computer at least for now!!! :laugh:

If you can only google this blog, every thing will come in front of you, unfortunately I can not give you my own blogs' link here -

If you are interested to check it and clean your computer

I love this free image hosting site for sharing my work

Is CCleaner would be helpful or not? Can you tell us which tools needed for Cleaning up our computer.

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