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Ya you are right politics divide our country in name of caste.............
This could happen in India also. But there is provision for suspension of membership in such cases. Speaker of Lok Sabha has authority to regulate conduct of members.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

There are rules for stopping every unmannered activities but no one take any action to stop it............In other word you can say rules are made for breaking the rules.................
There are rules for stopping every unmannered activities but no one take any action to stop it............In other word you can say rules are made for breaking the rules.................

Action is taken when rules are broken. There were occasions when MPs or MLAs were forcibly taken out of house by marshals on direction of speaker. There are crimes or offences everywhere and so there is also preventive machinery.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Ya i know but there is no one who stop such type of unnecessary activities............
Who can stop them they are self a Government and if they fight whose power is to stop him..............
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