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Anand that's good at least i have found someone who liked to be a farmer. :) I am really amazed to see people moving to cities from village seeing the city life leaving their land idle or for someone else. :evil:

SJ.. Because of my work, even I am living in city, but I always love to live in village and my home town. :)

Even i also like villages except for the facility we get in cities villages are far better place to live. :)
You two are still in panning stages where as i have already moved to a village like place.

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You two are still in panning stages where as i have already moved to a village like place.

Suny still i have lots of responsibility of my kids as they have just started their life so presently i can't move to village but once they grow up i will certainly try to move to village and live peacefully there. :)
Ambition of kids will also be depend on their parents they learn from them also.

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Ambition of kids will also be depend on their parents they learn from them also.

Ambition of kids mostly depends on their parents as they prepare their kids what they want them to be from childhood then too some of the kids change it and go in to the line which they think suits them. :)
Ambition of kids will also be depend on their parents they learn from them also.

Ambition of kids mostly depends on their parents as they prepare their kids what they want them to be from childhood then too some of the kids change it and go in to the line which they think suits them. :)

But if the kid is intelligent enough to choose his dreams, sure..parents won't object it(most probably). It mainly occurs due to the feeling of parents that their kids are always kids and they can't take decisions of their own

Meera sandhu
Ambition of kids will also be depend on their parents they learn from them also.

Ambition of kids mostly depends on their parents as they prepare their kids what they want them to be from childhood then too some of the kids change it and go in to the line which they think suits them. :)

But if the kid is intelligent enough to choose his dreams, sure..parents won't object it(most probably). It mainly occurs due to the feeling of parents that their kids are always kids and they can't take decisions of their own

I corelate this with me i always wanted to be CA but my father always wanted me to become a doctor or an engineer so do i and did engineering for them but its not that i was not interested in it i got interest in it once i took admission so no repent for it. :)
Ambition of kids will also be depend on their parents they learn from them also.

Ambition of kids mostly depends on their parents as they prepare their kids what they want them to be from childhood then too some of the kids change it and go in to the line which they think suits them. :)

But if the kid is intelligent enough to choose his dreams, sure..parents won't object it(most probably). It mainly occurs due to the feeling of parents that their kids are always kids and they can't take decisions of their own

I corelate this with me i always wanted to be CA but my father always wanted me to become a doctor or an engineer so do i and did engineering for them but its not that i was not interested in it i got interest in it once i took admission so no repent for it. :)

Yes, of course. We do have lack of experience, we have to admit. That's why our parents often select our careers. But they should also be intelligent enough to prove their decision was right. Otherwise kids will blame them in future. It is applicable in our case too, when we become parents :P

Meera sandhu
TOday all guardians want that their children became doctor or engineer so that they achieve everything in life which miss by their that's why no guardian wants to make their children farmer............
In today's scenario the wishes or ambitions of kids are planted by their parents and actually they (parents) pursue career objectives by proxies!!
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