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What you told is right.But here the general writers are less since they get very low cash credits compared to subject topics.One more thing, one can easily prepare a subject topic.But general topic is very very difficult.Still you give good credits for subject topics.

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Abid Areacode wrote:
What you told is right.But here the general writers are less since they get very low cash credits compared to subject topics.One more thing, one can easily prepare a subject topic.But general topic is very very difficult.Still you give good credits for subject topics.[/quote]

Abid, credits are given for the articles which are most interested to wide variety of audience, specially international audience. And I don't agree with you that general topics given less credits. You can see number of articles got very good credits.

If you are writing on a subject that is interested to a very small group of audience, say one country, then you might get less credits.

At the end, advertisers are the ones who gives the actual benefit and the articles should cater their requirements.

And my question: How are you rating boddunan cash credits? Are you comparing with any other website? Please provide the details so that we can have a better idea of whether the cash credits given by boddunan is less or more.

When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick

Recently I posted an article about Chandrayan's new discovery of ice scatters on moon.You gave me RS 15 as cash credit to it.I think it has sufficient content with all news regarding that.Within a day it got more than 50 hits also.

Was this credit due to small audience attention?I don't know the advertiser's criteria to select an article.I thought it better to be in my blog where I get adsense revenue, than getting this low credit.

I don't compare with any other websites.I compare with the articles in Boddunan itself.Even Silly stories with less hits get Rs 10 while serious articles 15 to 20.What is the criteria of this?

I invited your attention in this matter one month ago and you told it will be discussed and will be solved.After it I posted this article and found you had not turned.

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Presently, I do not have net facility at home. In internet cafe or office, necessary concentration is difficult. However, i shall try to write a few articles as well.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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