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[quote]Every one first remembers god then others come in the list. For me also first I remember god later my wife.[/quote]
Before marriage Who was after God.
Generaly, this is just a habit. Some say- Are raama, others say- Wahe Guru- etc. But actually they do not intend any divine help. They take appropriate action. For example, if a house catches fire, you may utter- O God, Hare Rama- etc. but you will call fire brigade and fight fire.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

When i am stuck somewhere, I just remember the person who may help me. Then I send him message. Generally, I come out of every situation. I am stuck in dreams only.

That's an intellectual answer :whistle: but i don't know most of the people do that they murmer God's name first and try to call the person who may help them. :)

I do not believe in God since my school days. Hence, naturally, I do not remember God. Being self confident, mostly I can tackle any situation.

Even i too don't beleive much in God but then too i take name of God at first when i am stuck somewhere. :laugh:
I have my great faith in MA DURGA. I look towards her whenever I want to show my gratitude. I shall go to see her soon. She has given me every thing.

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at first instance i remember god.after that anyone else or my mother. :)

For me that depends on different circumstances. in case this needs an ambulance i will call ambulance or in case this is police job i will call the police.

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at first instance i remember god.after that anyone else or my mother. :)

Even me too i remember God at first then remember who i think would be able to help me out from that situation. :)
at first instance i remember god.after that anyone else or my mother. :)

Even me too i remember God at first then remember who i think would be able to help me out from that situation. :)

its very common when we are in any problem the first thing which suddenly comes out from our mouth is this only that"please god help me" or "hey bhagwan please kuch karo".and it happens with many people i guess.

When i stuck anywhere i first remember my parents as they will be worried and then i remember GOD

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

I just try to go deep into myself to find a way to make a move forward !
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