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Welcome back. Members wish to be here for long time.But I think all get boared after 2 or 3 hours.

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Mr Abid, Members will be feel interesting when they will start Earning Money from adsense and for that it will take some time .
I hope we will achieve this target with in the year of 2010
Hi Soubhagya,

You will surely get the job, yaar. Worry not.

By the way Rakesh wants to know about stock markets as he is interested. I have posted some words in the stock market updates post. Just check out.

Click the below link for news which you can use:NeWsYoUCaNUsE
Jayen I think you have better knowledge in stock market post daily here some tips so that atleast our member will get aquinted slowly with stock markets
Yes, then I think our members count will rocket also.But who has time to wait for all these?

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