Silence has many meanings and expressions though it's wordless and causes no sound. What is your definition of silence and what can make you silent at least for a moment?
According to me silence is more powerful than even thousand words and no one till now has found real interpretations of silence. Can you find? :whistle:

Meera sandhu
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You break silence when you need to communicate. Also there is limit to capacity to speak. words are precious. Hence, we should remain silent and speak only when necessary to communicate. where you need to express your thoughts or make or respond, you must speak. Speech has purpose. silence none. When speech is purposeless, you are silent.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

"You break silence when you need to communicate. Also there is limit to capacity to speak. words are precious. Hence, we should remain silent and speak only when necessary to communicate. where you need to express your thoughts or make or respond, you must speak. Speech has purpose. silence none. When speech is purposeless, you are silent. "

I can't agree sir....
Silence often can be a purpose....sometimes keeping silent is the best way to say, what we carry in our mind at that time....i.e.Words are often not at all necessary. Silence can express it all :)

Meera sandhu
You break silence when you need to communicate. Also there is limit to capacity to speak. words are precious. Hence, we should remain silent and speak only when necessary to communicate. where you need to express your thoughts or make or respond, you must speak. Speech has purpose. silence none. When speech is purposeless, you are silent.

Some times you are bound to keep silence because you have promised that you would not speak. That is hurting some times. But a promise is a promise so you keep mum.

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I prefer to be silent when I heard a foolish question or a question without common sense :dry:
I prefer to be silent when I heard a foolish question or a question without common sense :dry:

What is a foolish or senseless question? :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

Meera sandhu
Why remain silent when you can express? If things that are nonexplainable then you dont have choice.
That makes it more difficult some times when your explanation will make things more complicated rather than sorting them out. So this is better to keep mum in such cases.

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"You break silence when you need to communicate. Also there is limit to capacity to speak. words are precious. Hence, we should remain silent and speak only when necessary to communicate. where you need to express your thoughts or make or respond, you must speak. Speech has purpose. silence none. When speech is purposeless, you are silent. "

I can't agree sir....
Silence often can be a purpose....sometimes keeping silent is the best way to say, what we carry in our mind at that time....i.e.Words are often not at all necessary. Silence can express it all :)

Generally, you need to speak or write to communicate. Some simple things may be communicated by gestures. Also some times silence is equivalent to speech. If you do not say 'no', the other person may assume that you say 'yes'. He may take your silence as 'yes'.

When you need to speak, silence may confuse, particularly, if the other person treats your silence as agreement. Many movies have been made on this theme.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

"You break silence when you need to communicate. Also there is limit to capacity to speak. words are precious. Hence, we should remain silent and speak only when necessary to communicate. where you need to express your thoughts or make or respond, you must speak. Speech has purpose. silence none. When speech is purposeless, you are silent. "

I can't agree sir....
Silence often can be a purpose....sometimes keeping silent is the best way to say, what we carry in our mind at that time....i.e.Words are often not at all necessary. Silence can express it all :)

Generally, you need to speak or write to communicate. Some simple things may be communicated by gestures. Also some times silence is equivalent to speech. If you do not say 'no', the other person may assume that you say 'yes'. He may take your silence as 'yes'.

When you need to speak, silence may confuse, particularly, if the other person treats your silence as agreement. Many movies have been made on this theme.

We have a proverb "Maunam Sammatham"....... silence/keeping quiet means Yes. :laugh: :laugh: which is most applicable when a boy meets a girl for the first time along with his relatives, for a match

Meera sandhu
"You break silence when you need to communicate. Also there is limit to capacity to speak. words are precious. Hence, we should remain silent and speak only when necessary to communicate. where you need to express your thoughts or make or respond, you must speak. Speech has purpose. silence none. When speech is purposeless, you are silent. "

I can't agree sir....
Silence often can be a purpose....sometimes keeping silent is the best way to say, what we carry in our mind at that time....i.e.Words are often not at all necessary. Silence can express it all :)

Generally, you need to speak or write to communicate. Some simple things may be communicated by gestures. Also some times silence is equivalent to speech. If you do not say 'no', the other person may assume that you say 'yes'. He may take your silence as 'yes'.

When you need to speak, silence may confuse, particularly, if the other person treats your silence as agreement. Many movies have been made on this theme.

We have a proverb "Maunam Sammatham"....... silence/keeping quiet means Yes. :laugh: :laugh: which is most applicable when a boy meets a girl for the first time along with his relatives, for a match

Is this 'maunam sammartham' viz. Silence means agreeing.

I do not agree with the title. This should be 'what makes you speak?'. Speech is positive act. Silence is not. silence is nothing but absence of speech. This is just like light. Absence of light is called dark.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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